Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Programma Dual Career




23/03/2017, 09:00

Guarda la locandina

Dual career of élite athletes. A look at european experiences and a reflection on what still needs to be done

Implementing EU Guidelines for Dual Career of Élite Athletes

23 marzo 2017, ore 9.00
Aula: Cripta Aula Magna 
Largo A. Gemelli, 1, Milano

Registration of participants

Welcome speech
Caterina GOZZOLI
Director of ASAG, Associate Professor of UCSC and Scientific Supervisor of the DC4AC project for Italy


DC of élite athletes and proposal for the implementation of European Guidelines, with testimonies from different European experts on the theme of Dual Career and athletic careers (clicca qui per ottenere maggiori informazioni su questo progetto)

Invited speakers:

Ms. Ioana BANICA
National Institute for Sport Research, Bucharest, Romania
DC4AC Project: main aims and provisional proposal on DC Guidelines implementation

Professor Natalia STAMBULOVA
School of Health and Welfare, Halmstad University, Sweden
Athletes’ dual careers in Nordic Countries: Challenges, research, and implementation

Professor Miquel TORREGROSSA
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
Following DC in Southern Europe: facilitators and barriers

Professor Laura CAPRANICA
President of EAS (European Athlete Student Network) Università del Foro Italico di Roma, Italy
The role of EAS and European Institutions in the dissemination and implementation of EU Guidelines

The event is part of the project “Regional Center for Dual Career Policy and Advocacy – DC4AC”
(GRANT AGREEMENT n° 2015-2954/001-001) co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union

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Milano, Largo Gemelli13/12/202410:30
Milano, Università Cattolica03/07/202410:00