Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Winter programmes - Nomination procedure for partner universities

Are you already registered contact person from Partner universities?
Proceed in following the instructions reported below from Step 1 onwards

Are you not registerd contact person yet from Partner universities?

  1. Access this link and complete the registration of one of your staff in charge of outbbound mobility
  2. Once your staff accont registration is confirmed from Cattolica, the registered staff member will receive an email
  3. The registered staff will be asked to ACTIVATE the account (information provided in the email) and select a personal password.
  4. The staff can proceed with the nomination of  students by following instructions reported below.




Access the online portal for student nomination.






For each student, insert the following mandatory information: Name, Surname, Sex, Date of birth, Place of birth, birth continent and birth territory, personal email (twice) and phone number.



Click on NEXT 

Student contact data will be registered once this image will be displayed:


However, you are not finished yet! When you press on Close, you will be taken to a new page where you will have to insert the Program Plan according to Step 5 and 6.


Click on the CLOSE button, and you will see a summary of the student’s data. 



Click on this icon next to each student record:   and select: PROGRAM PLAN.



Click on NEW. The system will ask you to insert the following information:  

  • Campus: select the Cattolica campus where your student is going to be enrolled in
  • Academic year: select the corresponding academic year (for the Winter 2021 select a.y. 2021)
  • Mobility period: select the corresponding time your student is planning to study with us (for Winter programme 2021 select Winter)
  • Programme type: select from the drop down menu corresponding to the framework of mobility. In this table below you can find a summary of the frameworks according to the mobility type on place with your university.
    Framework Framework guide: how to select the correct one?
    Erasmus + Eramsus + bilateral exchange agreement
    Erasmus + Direct Despite having an Eramsus + bilateral exchange agreement with the institution, the student is nominated as a Study Abroad/fee paying student
    Overseas Bilateral exchange agreement (non-EU partner universities
    Overseas Direct Non-EU partner universities whose students pay a tuition for being enrolled (aka Study Abroad Students)
    Partner Direct Study abroad agreement only (non-EU partner universities)

  • Invoicing: Select one of these 2 options:  
    • Payment due from applicant: the student has to pay the specific fees/tutition at the end of the pre-enrollment procedure (es: Erasmus +, Overseas etc..)
    • Payment due from Partner University: Cattolica will issue a request of payment to the Partner University which will correspond to the amount due on the student’s behalf.
  • Student start date and end date: select the correspoding date according to our Winter Programme course schedule your student/s want to apply for, which you can find on our dedicated webpage
  • Click on SAVE to save the information for this student.

If you have more than one student to nominate and wish to re-start this process from the beginning, return to the first page by clicking the arrow on the top left side of the screen and click on NOMINATE button to insert the same information (contact data and programme plan etc..) for the next candidate.

If you have any question while completing the process, please send an email to international.advisor@unicatt.it.