Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

International business - Online

Campus: Online

School: Economics

Intake: January 2026

Edition: 6

Language of instruction: English

Duration: 12 - 15 months (depending on the duration of the internship)

Total ECTS: 60


The 1-year Specialising Master in International Business (Online Version) is promoted by the Faculty of Economics and by the ICRIM – International Center of Research in International Management.

A joint faculty between the Università Cattolica and its Partner Universities has been appointed. Visiting professors from Partner Universities as well as business professionals will take part in the teaching activity.

Firms of any size across any industry should prepare themselves to deal with a future that is not what it used to be. This is the assumption that guided our approach in designing the innovative MIB Online programme. The MIB Online Regular class will continue offering a learning experience that examines global issues in-depth focusing on collaboration, community building, exploration and individual and group ownership. 

While moving to remote learning, we have leveraged on existing tools to move in-person gatherings online and open up spaces for discussions, events and more. The idea is to offer virtual spaces in lieu of physical ones to enable MIB participants to be part of a university community that continues to connect.

Close collaboration with companies forms an essential facet of the programme. The skills we cover include change management, customer-driven transformation, group negotiation and management of intercultural communication projects, business process analysis and management. MIB has forged links with an impressive network of firms both to design the course and to provide the students with first-hand access to the international business world. 

Students will be asked to use all the acquired knowledge and skills to solve international management problems, consolidating them and applying them to the real world of business. Close collaboration with companies forms an essential facet of the programme. The skills we cover include change management, customer-driven transformation, group negotiation and management of intercultural communication projects, business process analysis and management. This provides participants with first-hand access to professional expertise to prepare them for the international business world.