Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

EU Pool candidates who submit a full application and pay the €120 Application Fee no later than 2 October 2025 will be invited to take the official Entrance Exam for the admission to the 1st Year of the Degree Programme.

NON-EU Pool candidates, on the other hand, are not required to take an Exam for this Degree Programme. Their admission will be based exclusively on the academic assessment conducted by our Faculty representatives prior to the enrolment phase.

EU Pool candidates are encouraged to check the information below to learn more about the Exam structure and contents.


The entrance exam

Depending on whether you submitted your application and paid the €120 Application Fee before or after August 26, EU pool candidates will be invited to take the Entrance Exam based on the following timeline:

  • FIRST ROUND only for those EU candidates who applied by August 29
    • Written test: 8 September 2025 
    • Interview: 15 September 2025
  • SECOND ROUND only for those EU candidates who applied after August 29
    • Written test: 9 October 2025
    • Interview: 15 October 2025


Written test

The written test consists of 60 multiple-Choice questions, divided as follows:

  • 10 questions on logical and mathematical reasoning;
  • 45 questions on scientific subjects, such as physiology (3), biochemistry (4), molecular biology (8), applied biology (9), pharmacology (3), human anatomy (3), histology (3), general pathology (3), microbiology (3), general chemistry (3), organic chemistry (3).
  • 5 questions on religious and ethical culture.

Candidates have 60 minutes to complete the test and will be given a score based on the number of correct answers, up to a total amount of 60 points.

The evaluation of the written test follows the criteria indicated below:

  • 1 point for each correct answer
  • minus 0.25 point for each wrong answer
  • no points for no answer

The rules of the Entrance Exam forbid the use of mobile phones, calculators, tablets, online-enabled devices and the consultation of printed books and/or manuscripts and notes.



The interview will be conducted by the appointed Faculty representatives and is meant to ascertain the candidate’s prior education and proficiency.

Upon completing the interview in question, the candidate will be given a score based on the overall performance, up to a total amount of 60 points.



The combined score of both the written test (up to a maximum of 60 points) and the interview (up to a maximum of 60 points) will be calculated up to a total combined amount of 120 points.
The score in question will then determine the candidate’s placement in the ranking and thus the outcome of their admission. More specifically, the results will define whether the candidate:

  • can be considered immediately eligible to move forward with the enrolment process; or
  • is ranked lower than the top-performing candidates, thus needs to be placed in the waiting-list.

The rankings containing the final combined score obtained by each candidate will be published upon completion of each of the two Exam rounds, based on this timeline:

  • Results of the FIRST ROUND – 11 September 2025
  • Results of the SECOND ROUND – 13 October 2025