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Post-admissions for Non-EU students
Home Short programmes Study Summer programmes Post-admissions for Non-EU students Post-admissions for Non-EU students. You are viewing Overview Academic Offer Housing Applications Post-admissions for Non-EU students. Check the general Italian visa application guidelines on the Italian visa information website to find out if you need a study visa. We highly recommend that you verify any specific application requirements for Exchange and Mobility Programme students as set out by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country in your jurisdiction by visiting the Embassy/Consulate website or by contacting the consular office directly. Follow the steps described in the guide: English guide - Italian guide Once completed, Cattolica International will check and validate your pre-enrolment application, which will then be made accessible to the Italian Embassy/Consulate for the jurisdiction you selected. You will receive a notification from Universitaly, instructing you to download and print the validated pre-enrolment application. You must provide a copy of the validated pre-enrolment application to the consular office with the admission letter to support your visa application.
Post-Admissions for Non-EU students
Home Short programmes Study Winter programmes Post-Admissions for Non-EU students Post-Admissions for Non-EU students. You are viewing Winter programmes Academic offering Housing Applications Post-Admissions for Non-EU students. Check the general Italian visa application guidelines on the Italian visa information website to find out if you need a study visa. We highly recommend that you verify any specific application requirements for Exchange and Mobility Programme students as set out by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country in your jurisdiction by visiting the Embassy/Consulate website or by contacting the consular office directly. Follow the steps described in the guide: English guide - Italian guide Once completed, Cattolica International will check and validate your pre-enrolment application, which will then be made accessible to the Italian Embassy/Consulate for the jurisdiction you selected. You will receive a notification from Universitaly, instructing you to download and print the validated pre-enrolment application. You must provide a copy of the validated pre-enrolment application to the consular office with the admission letter to support your visa application.
Home Short programmes Study Winter programmes Academic offering Calendar Calendar.
Home Short programmes Study Winter programmes Applications Applications. You are viewing Winter programmes Academic offering Housing Applications Post-Admissions for Non-EU students. Entry requirements Grade Point Average of a minimum 2.75, or equivalent in applicants own university grading system Completion of a minimum of 2 semesters at undergraduate level Good level of English. Non-native English speakers must give evidence of their language proficiency of a minimum B2 level or equivalent (ex: TOEFL Ibt 79, IELTS 6, First Certificate of English, Cambridge ESOL or other certification). Application procedures Partner University Application Free -mover / Direct Application. Tuition fees Application fee: 75 One course: 1,550 Two courses: 2,900 The fees include: Enrolment fee (80) 44 contact hours Academic site visits Study material Transcript of records Access to campus facilities (students’ restaurant, libraries, health center, etc). Students service team support Orientation Welcome activities and welcome lunch Buddy (optional) The fees do not include: Travel expenses, accommodation, local transportation, and meals.
Free-mover / Direct Application
Home Short programmes Study Winter programmes Applications Free-mover / Direct Application Free-mover / Direct Application. You will receive an email containing your username (name.surname01) and a request to activate your user account by setting a password. After you are registered and have activated your account, you will have to enter the Cattolica online application system using your username and password to login. While completing the application for our Winter programme, you must select: Inbound Mobility Programme Milan campus Academic year: current academic year Select the course you wish to attend by clicking on ISCRIVITI/APPLY in the box on the left The deadline for applications is November 1st. Free-mover / Direct Application Partner University Application Contact us.
Home Short programmes Study Summer programmes Applications Free-mover/Direct application Free-mover/Direct application. You will receive an email containing your username (name.surname01) and a request to activate your user account by setting a password. After you are registered and have activated your account, you will have to enter the Cattolica online application system using your username and password to login. While completing the application for our summer programme 2023, you must select: Inbound Mobility Programme Milan or Rome campus: according to where you summer programme is offered. After you submit your application The Cattolica International Staff will evaluate your application and will contact you via email if further information or different documentation is needed. If the international staff asks you for further documents, you should re-enter the enrolment portal to upload them. Once all of your documents have been reviewed and accepted, the International staff will enrol you and you will receive an email inviting you to re-enter the Enrolment Portal and download your Admission Letters.
Home Short programmes Study Summer programmes Summer programmes. Summer programmes Explore a unique and enriching academic experience in one of Europe's most vibrant cities. Whether you are interested in enhancing your knowledge in a specific field, immersing yourself in Italian culture, or simply seeking a memorable study abroad experience, Università Cattolica has something to offer. You are viewing Overview Academic Offer Housing Applications Post-admissions for Non-EU students Combine short-term courses from different academic areas. Language of instruction: English Contact hours and credits: 44 contact hours / 6 ECTS credits each course Program Highlights: Academic Excellence : Our programs cover a wide range of disciplines, from business and fashion to health science and cultural studies. Cultural Immersion : Both Milan, a global fashion and design hub, and Rome, the political and historical capital of the country, are the perfect backdrop for a summer filled with cultural exploration. Flexible Duration : Whether you can join us for 2 weeks or 2 months, our flexible program duration caters to various schedules.
Health Insurance – EU students Health insurance is not compulsory in Italy. EU citizens can access emergency healthcare through the national health system by presenting their European Health Insurance Card. However, if your stay in Italy longer than 3 months, we advise transferring your national health insurance to the Italian Health Service (SSN) to take advantage of Italian public healthcare like an Italian citizen. Valid ID card • Tax code – codice fiscale In case you do not have a S1 form, you can still obtain health insurance in Italy by voluntary subscription - "iscrizione volontaria al SSN". Health Insurance – Non EU students You must bring proof of internationally valid health insurance coverage, effective for the same duration as your Visa term, to the Italian Embassy or Consulate when applying for your Student Visa. Even if you already have private insurance, you can register with the National Health Service (“ Servizio Sanitario Nazionale ,” aka “SSN”) too upon arrival in Milan. Please note that if you enroll in September, you should purchase private health insurance for 12 months first, and then you can subscribe to the SSN. To register, you should go to the ATS, the competent local health office for your residency area in Milan.
Programme participants will be given upon arrival instructions about the policy, its benefits, and how to access its services. so that they know about the student’s situation and can offer suitable support; will contact the person designated ‘person to contact in case of emergency’ during enrolment.
Should places no longer be available, MIL Service may offer a placement at another apartment at similar conditions. Cost Housing costs may vary depending on programme and/or per agreement with the student’s home institution, if applicable. Students will be sent relevant cost information when invited by International Student Services to submit a booking request or application. A limit to its usage will be specified in the contract. You are viewing MIL Service apartments.
Application ai corsi di laurea magistrale a.a. 2021/22
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Application ai corsi di laurea magistrale a.a. Application ai corsi di laurea magistrale a.a. Facoltà di Economia e Giurisprudenza Corso di laurea Campus Link all'application Banking e consulting Piacenza Application chiuse Food marketing e strategie commerciali Piacenza Application chiuse Gestione d'azienda Piacenza Application chiuse Innovazione e imprenditorialità digitale Cremona Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali Corso di laurea Campus Link all'application Agricoltura sostenibile e di precisione Piacenza Application chiuse Food marketing e strategie commerciali Piacenza Application chiuse Scienze e tecnologie alimentari Piacenza Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze bancarie, finanziarie e assicurative Corso di laurea Campus Link all'application Economia dei mercati e degli intermediari finanziari Milano Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere Corso di laurea Campus Link all'application Lingue, letterature e culture straniere Milano Application chiuse Scienze linguistiche Brescia Application chiuse Scienze linguistiche Milano Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali Corso di laurea Campus Link all'application Fisica Brescia Application chiuse Matematica Brescia Application chiuse.
Application ai corsi di laurea magistrale a.a. 2020/21
Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia Archeologia e storia dell'arte -2C1A Application chiuse Comunicazione per l'impresa, i media e le organizzazioni complesse -2C6Q Application chiuse Economia e gestione dei beni culturali e dello spettacolo -2D1A Application chiuse Filologia moderna -2C2A Application chiuse Filosofia -2C4D Application chiuse Scienze dell'antichità -2C3A Application chiuse. Facoltà di Psicologia Psicologia clinica e promozione della salute: persona relazioni familiari e di comunità -2F4A Application chiuse Psicologia dello sviluppo e dei processi di tutela -2F1A Application chiuse Psicologia per il benessere: empowerment riabilitazione e tecnologia positiva -2G0A Application chiuse Psicologia per le organizzazioni: risorse umane marketing e comunicazione -2F8A Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze della formazione Consulenza pedagogica per la disabilità e la marginalità -2B2A Application chiuse Filosofia -2C4D Application chiuse Media Education - 2H1A Application chiuse Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie preventive e adattate -2B3A Application chiuse Scienze pedagogiche e servizi alla persona - 2H4A Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere Lingue letterature e culture straniere -2D7A Application chiuse Scienze linguistiche -2A0A Application chiuse. Facoltà di Economia e Giurisprudenza Banking e consulting - 2I1C Application chiuse Food marketing e strategie commerciali -2E7C Application chiuse Gestione d’azienda -2B8P Application chiuse. Facoltà di Scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali Food marketing e strategie commerciali -2E7C Application chiuse Scienze e tecnologie agrarie -2B4P Application chiuse Scienze e tecnologie alimentari -2B6P Application chiuse. Facoltà di Lettere e filosofia Filologia moderna -2C2B Application chiuse Gestione di contenuti digitali per i media, le imprese e i patrimoni culturali -2F5B Application chiuse.
Applications to 2-year graduate programs in Italian
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Applications to 2-year graduate programs in Italian.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Date di scadenza e documenti per l'immatricolazione (Milano-Brescia- Piacenza/Cremona, Roma - solo Facoltà di Economia). se sei minorenne dovrai essere accompagnato da un genitore): Se ti immatricoli a corsi di Laurea triennale o a ciclo unico: diploma di studi secondari superiori (perfezionato dalle competenti autorità, come descritto nella sezione post-ammissione), in originale – solo in visione - più una fotocopia, che verrà tenuta agli atti. Se ti immatricoli a corsi di Laurea Magistrale : diploma di laurea e certificato ufficiale rilasciato dall'università di provenienza contente l'elenco degli esami sostenuti, perfezionati dalle competenti autorità secondo quanto descritto al punto 2 della sezione post-ammissione, in originale – solo in visione -più una fotocopia, che verrà tenuta agli atti. Se hai richiesto un' iscrizione con abbreviazione di corso , dovrai inoltre chiedere all'università di provenienza l'invio del certificato ufficiale attestante l'elenco degli esami sostenuti con voti, data di sostenimento e crediti direttamente al nostro ufficio in busta chiusa. Cittadini non comunitari residenti all'estero: presenta il tuo passaporto ed allega sul Portale una copia del visto rilasciato per motivi di studio – tipo D e del tuo codice fiscale ufficiale, rilasciato dal Consolato Italiano o dall’Agenzia delle Entrate. Il nostro Ufficio aggiornerà il tuo profilo sul Portale Iscrizione ai corsi - sezione "titoli di studi" - ove necessario. Attendi che lo stato della tua domada passi in “Attesa Immatricolazione”, dopodichè segui le indicazioni riporate sul Portale per completare il processo di immatricolazione.
Post-admission steps - 2-year graduate degrees - Non-EU students
Upon receipt of the deposit, the International Admissions Office will publish in your Self Service Center the official admission letter (Italian and English version) addressed to the Italian Consulate/Embassy in your country. STEP 2 - Submit the pre-enrollment request to the Italian Embassy/Consulate As a preliminary step to apply for a study visa in August, all admitted students need to submit a formal “ Pre-enrollment request ” to the Italian Consulate/Embassy of their jurisdiction (1) no later than July 24, 2019. Upon receipt of the admission letters, you should contact the Italian Consulate/Embassy of your jurisdiction in order to verify the procedure in place for the submission of the pre-enrollment request. This step ends with the formal acceptance of your pre-enrollment request by the Italian Embassy/Consulate, that will in turn contact Università Cattolica to confirm your admission. STEP 3 - Study Visa application If the previous step has been successful, you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction. If your application is accepted, the Italian Embassy/Consulate will: Stamp the study visa on your passport; Return the pre-enrollment application form (duly stamped) and a certified copy of your Diploma and transcript; Issue the “ Dichiarazione di Valore ” (5) of your qualification. If you temporarily live in a country that you are not a citizen of, you may submit your pre-enrollment request to the Head of Italian Consulate/Embassy of that country, who will decide whether to accept it or not.
Procedure post-ammissione (studenti EU)
I documenti generalmente richiesti sono: Mod. C - RICHIESTA DI PERFEZIONAMENTO DEI DOCUMENTI Passaporto o altro documento di identità in corso di validità Solo per i candidati non comunitari: Idoneo titolo di soggiorno in Italia (permesso di soggiorno, carta di soggiorno). (3) Il Diploma Supplement è una particolare certificazione che ricostruisce in modo analitico, preciso e trasparente tutto il percorso formativo che si è concluso con un determinato titolo di studio, utile per una corretta valutazione del corso e del titolo di studio a cui si riferisce. (4) La legalizzazione La legislazione di alcuni Paesi prevede che tutti i documenti ufficiali, inclusi quelli che attestano il possesso di titoli di studio, debbano essere legalizzati allo scopo di garantirne l'autenticità. La legalizzazione dovrà essere effettuata PRIMA di richiedere alla competente Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana di emettere la Dichiarazione di valore in loco. Il timbro con la Postilla deve essere posto sul documento PRIMA di chiedere alla competente autorità diplomatica italiana di emettere sul titolo stesso la Dichiarazione di valore in loco. Nei casi in cui il titolo di studio sia stato rilasciato da una Università o da un Istituto superiore non universitario deve, comunque, essere munito di legalizzazione e di dichiarazione di valore della Rappresentanza italiana nel paese al cui ordinamento appartiene l'istituzione che lo ha rilasciato.
Procedure post-ammissione (studenti non comunitari che necessitano un visto)
La lettera di idoneità all'immatricolazione è rilasciata per attivare le procedure formali di preiscrizione presso la Rappresentanza diplomatica consolare italiana competente per territorio (1) come previsto dalla normativa vigente . FASE 2 - Presentazione alla Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana della formale domanda di pre-iscrizione - Modello A (2) Non appena ricevuta notifica di ammissione, il candidato dovrà contattare la Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana competente per la zona dove lo stesso risiede, per verificare le procedure formali di preiscrizione. La fase di presentazione della domanda di preiscrizione termina con l’accettazione della stessa da parte della Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana che, successivamente, contatterà l’Ufficio Ammissioni Internazionali per la conferma dell’ammissibilità dei candidati. FASE 3 - Richiesta di visto di ingresso Superata positivamente la fase di preiscrizione, il candidato potrà richiedere alla Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana il visto di ingresso di tipo “D” per motivi di studio “Immatricolazione Università” a partire dalla data stabilita dal MIUR (generalmente entro il mese di agosto). Al termine di questa fase, la Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana: rilascia il visto di ingresso di tipo “D” per motivi di studio “Immatricolazione Università”. (3) La legalizzazione: la legislazione di alcuni Paesi prevede che tutti i documenti ufficiali, inclusi quelli che attestano il possesso di titoli di studio, debbano essere legalizzati allo scopo di garantirne l'autenticità. Nei casi in cui il titolo di studio sia stato rilasciato da una Università o da un Istituto superiore non universitario deve, comunque, essere munito di legalizzazione e di dichiarazione di valore della Rappresentanza italiana nel paese al cui ordinamento appartiene l'istituzione che lo ha rilasciato.
Post-admission steps - 2-year graduate degrees - Documents for enrollment
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Post-admission steps - 2-year graduate degrees - Documents for enrollment Post-admission steps - 2-year graduate degrees - Documents for enrollment. List of required steps and documents STEP 1 Provide the following documents to the International Admissions Office: Bachelor degree and its Dichiarazione di Valore/Diploma Supplement/State of Comparability ( refer to post-admission instruction ); Transcript of your Bachelor degree. NOTE: Non-EU students residing abroad: you will be required to show your passport and submit a copy of your study visa (D type) and codice fiscale. Our office will update your profile in the Portale (section "qualifications").. STEP 2 Log in to the Portale Iscrizione ai corsi and set the language of the interface to 'English' (language option on the top-right corner of the screen), then click on "Profile" and update privacy data. STEP 4 Click on Documents and upload: The baptism certificate/ statutory declaration/ commitment to take an interview at Centro Pastorale (detailed instructions by clicking on the Lens); The enrolment request form (see STEP 3); If you paid by bank transfer or MAV: receipt of successful transaction. You will receive: The instructions to activate your ICatt email address and ICatt page; A notice to collect your student card (Carta Ateneo+) at the International admissions office. Bring a copy of your codice fiscale; EU residents: on the same day, go to Polo studenti (Area contributi studenti) to submit your family income documents.
Post-admission steps - 2-year graduate degrees - EU students
Accept Cattolica's offer and pay the deposit If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Office will inform you publishing an offer in your Self Service Center and sending you a notice via email (remember to check your spam box as well!). Upon receipt of the deposit, the International Admissions Office will publish in your Self Service Center the official admission letter (Italian and English version). Please note: If the university you studied at issues the Diploma Supplement in English, no Italian translation is required; The Diploma Supplement has to be legalized by the relevant local authorities (1) . b. The Dichiarazione di Valore in loco (DV) is an official document which provides a short description of your qualification, its validity in the awarding country to academic and/or professional ends, and the legal status of the awarding institution. Please note that Italian Embassies/Consulates usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized (1) by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the DV issuing. Please find the list of the documents that are generally required: Passport; Only for non-EU students residing in Italy: copy of valid permesso di soggiorno; Università Cattolica’s admission letter; High school Diploma (not always required, check with the Embassy); University Diploma; Transcript of academic records. c. The statement of comparability is issued by CIMEA ((the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre), The procedure is completely online (inserisci link and students can request CIMEA to send the document directly to UCSC’s International Admissions office via email.
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Medicine and Surgery - Transfer to the third year
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery - Transfer to the third year Medicine and Surgery - Transfer to the third year. Applications for transferring to the 3rd Year of our Medicine and Surgery (Rome) Degree Programme in Academic Year 2024/2025 are now closed. Starting from June 21 you will receive official feedback from our Professors on whether you are eligible to take the online Medicine and Surgery Entrance Exam for transferring students . The Entrance Exam will be held online and is currently expected to follow this schedule: June 27, 2024: Written test July 4, 2024: Interview Starting from July 12, 2024 : Exam results. How to submit your application If you are unsure about whether your citizenship and residency status allow you to qualify as an eligible NON-EU applicant, please check out these guidelines . Submit your application by clicking on the corresponding option in the sidebar (“ Access the online application portal ”) and then follow all the on-screen instructions. Fill out the application form and upload all the required documents, most importantly: An official transcript issued by your current University, certifying the exams that you have taken A document which should include all the “Syllabi” (the course content) for each of the courses attended and exams taken.
Home About Cattolica About the University Undergrad Undergrad. undergraduate degrees Economics and Management (Milan campus) Finance (Milan campus) Food Production Management (Piacenza campus) International Relations and Global Affairs (Milan campus) Psychology (Milan campus) 6-year undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Rome campus) Medicine and Surgery - Transfer to the second and third year Italian programmes Italian-taught undergraduate programmes.
Home Student services Piacenza and Cremona campus Health Services Health Services. Piacenza campus On campus Medical Assistance An on-campus Health Center provides all enrolled students with medical and nursing care as well as psychological counselling. Register at the National Health Service, Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). The cost is 700 for a calendar year (1 January - 31 December) if you do not have any income or receive a scholarship (otherwise, the cost may be higher). Students joining the SSN will get a personal healthcare card (tessera sanitaria) and they will be able to choose a GP. Contacts AUSL PIACENZA Ufficio Estero / International Mobility Office Piazzale Milano 2 29121 Piacenza Tel. Tel. +39 0523 317.518/557 You will get a personal healthcare card (tessera sanitaria) and you will be able to choose your personal GP in Cremona. Contacts ASL CREMONA Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico Via Belgiardino 6 26100 Cremona Tel. +39 0372 497487 : You are viewing Support Services Campus Facilities Health Services Sports Facilities Social Activities Accommodation.
Home Student services Piacenza and Cremona campus Social Activities Social Activities. For more information please visit Cremona Fiere Violin Museum Comune di Cremona offical website Cremona Turismo You are viewing Support Services Campus Facilities Health Services Sports Facilities Social Activities Accommodation.