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Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Communication for Business, Media and Culture Admission and tuition Admission and tuition. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission Applications are open. You may also express your interest by contacting us using this form . The following sections are applicable to candidates holding or who are about to obtain a non-Italian academic qualification. Candidates holding or who are about to obtain an Italian academic qualification who must follow the admission procedures for domestic students . The application fee will not be refunded in case you follow the incorrect application procedure. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Methods and Topics in Arts Management (MaTAM) Admission and tuition Admission and tuition. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission Applications are open. You may also express your interest by contacting us using this form . The following sections are applicable to candidates holding or who are about to obtain a non-Italian academic qualification. Candidates holding or who are about to obtain an Italian academic qualification who must follow the admission procedures for domestic students . The application fee will not be refunded in case you follow the incorrect application procedure. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Titolo di studio Per poterti iscrivere a un corso di laurea magistrale, devi soddisfare i seguenti requisiti previsti dalla Circolare del Ministero dell’Università e concordata con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri pubblicata ogni anno. Devi essere in possesso di un titolo ufficiale di primo ciclo del sistema estero di riferimento conseguito entro il 31 luglio 2025. Il nostro Ateneo stabilirà l’idoneità del titolo accademico ai fini dell’ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale; ogni università hapropri criteri e regole per l'ammissione, che includono la definizione dei documenti richiesti per la valutazione. Requisiti linguistici Per i corsi di laurea insegnati in lingua italiana è necessario dimostrare di possedere un adeguato livello di conoscenza della lingua italiana, pari almeno al livello B2 del Quadro Comune di Riferimento Europeo. Il requisito linguistico deve essere soddisfatto al momento dell’invio della candidatura, allegando un certificato CILS B2, PLIDA o CELI 3 – B2 che deve essere stato conseguito a partire da gennaio 2023. Una commissione dedicata esaminerà: i punteggi ottenuti nelle varie abilità/sezioni della certificazione; il tuo profilo accademico (come eventuali periodi di studio in Italia, lingua di erogazione del tuo percorso scolastico/accademico, etc.). Per studenti non comunitari richiedenti visto di studio : la certificazione linguistica potrebbe essere richiesta per le procedure di visto, ti raccomandiamo di contattare l’Ambasciata / Consolato d’Italia di riferimento in merito all’eventuale obbligo di esibizione.
Devi essere in possesso di un titolo ufficiale di scuola secondaria superiore del sistema estero di riferimento conseguito entro il 30 agosto 2025. Il titolo deve essere conseguito dopo un periodo scolastico di almeno 12 anni e a seguito della frequenza degli ultimi due anni di corso nello stesso sistema scolastico estero. ATTENZIONE ! Se il titolo di studio è stato conseguito al termine di un periodo scolastico di 11 anni dovrai presentare inoltre: La certificazione accademica attestante il superamento di tutti gli esami previsti per il primo anno di studi universitari. Il titolo deve essere corredato dal certificato attestante il superamento della prova di idoneità accademica - qualora prevista - per l’accesso all’università nel Paese di provenienza, riportante la votazione minima richiesta. Requisiti linguistici Per i corsi di laurea insegnati in lingua italiana è necessario dimostrare di possedere un adeguato livello di conoscenza della lingua italiana, pari almeno al livello B2 del Quadro Comune di Riferimento Europeo. Una commissione dedicata esaminerà: i punteggi ottenuti nelle varie abilità/sezioni della certificazione; il tuo profilo accademico (come eventuali periodi di studio in Italia, lingua di erogazione del tuo percorso scolastico/accademico, etc.). Per studenti non comunitari richiedenti visto di studio : la certificazione linguistica potrebbe essere richiesta per le procedure di visto, ti raccomandiamo di contattare l’Ambasciata / Consolato d’Italia di riferimento in merito all’eventuale obbligo di esibizione.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Agricultural and Food Economics Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Programme-specific entry requirements Ideal candidates have an academic background in agriculture / food and economics, with basic knowledge of mathematics and Estatistics. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Applied Data Science for Banking and Finance Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Tuition fees and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Actuarial sciences, risk and data analysis Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post admission. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Programme-specific entry requirements You must have acquired at undergraduate level at least 12 ECTS in the area of Statistics; 14 ECTS in the area of Mathematics, and at least 26 ECTS in a larger pool of subjects such as Economics, Business Economics/Management, Finance, Computer Science, or Actuarial Science. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Global Business Management Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Communication for Business, Media and Culture Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Innovation and Technology Management Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Programme-specific entry requirements You must have completed at least 8 ECTS in Statistics, 14 ECTS in Mathematics and 17 ECTS a larger pool of subjects such as Management, Economics, Law, Industrial engineering. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Data Analytics for Business Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Tuition fees and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Consumer Behaviour: Psychology Applied to Food, Health and Environment Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
General diploma requirements Secondary School Diploma Requirements To apply for a Bachelor programme at Università Cattolica, you need to meet the following requirements set by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR): You must finish high school and get your Secondary School Diploma by August 30, 2025 . Some examples are: Selectividad/EBAU in Spain Veveossi Prosvassis in Greece Vestibular / ENEM in Brazil Gao Kao in China YKS (TYT and AYT/YDT) in Turkey High School qualifications that must satisfy additional criteria International Baccalaureate Diploma Carefully read Universita Cattolica IB admission policy . This equals, for example, to CCC for A-levels, 31 points for the IB Diploma curriculum (see the IB undergraduate admission policy ), 13 points for the French curriculum, a GPA of 3.0 for the US curriculum. Mathematics requirements Math Scores on High School Transcripts: Your high school transcripts should show strong performance in Math because it is considered one of the more challenging subjects in the first year of the study plan. IB Students : If you are an International Baccalaureate (IB) student, there are additional specific requirements, which you should review in the IB admission policy . Did not study Math in the last two years of high school, Have an American or Canadian high school diploma, Have insufficient Math grades, However, if you take the Cattolica Admission Test, your application cannot be re-assessed based on high school grades or SAT/ACT scores. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Maths assessment and improvement tools Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Linguistic Computing Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Physics Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Programme-specific requirements You need to hold an undergraduate degree in physics or another degree in related subjects with at least 54 ECTS, of which: 30 ECTS in the area of Physics, 12 ECTS in the area of Mathematics, and 12 ECTS in a larger pool of subjects such as Chemistry, Engineering or Informatics. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fees and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Download the brochure Contact us.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Banking and Finance Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes International Relations and Global Affairs Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General diploma requirements Secondary School Diploma Requirements To apply for a Bachelor programme at Università Cattolica, you need to meet the following requirements set by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR): You must finish high school and get your Secondary School Diploma by August 30, 2025 . Access to university-level studies Your high school qualification must satisfy the requirements for access to university-level studies in the awarding country. Some examples are: Selectividad/EBAU in Spain Veveossi Prosvassis in Greece Vestibular / ENEM in Brazil Gao Kao in China YKS (TYT and AYT/YDT) in Turkey High School qualifications that must satisfy additional criteria International Baccalaureate Diploma Carefully read Universita Cattolica IB admission policy . Note for Italian Speakers: If Italian is your first language, do not choose the AP Italian Language and Culture exam, as it will not be considered. Note for Italian Speakers : If Italian is your first language, do not choose A-level Italian, as it will not be considered. English language proficiency requirements Candidates need to upload a recognised English language certificate to the online application.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Physics for Technologies and Innovation Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Tuition fees and scholarships Contact us Download the brochure Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Methods and Topics in Arts Management (MaTAM) Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Sustainable Viticulture and Enology Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post admission. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Management Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees The Art and Industry of Narration Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Economics Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General entry requirements To enrol in a Laurea magistrale you must satisfy the requirements based on the latest admission guidelines published by the Italian Ministry of Education which apply to all students with foreign qualifications, regardless of nationality. The undergraduate degree must: be an official first-cycle qualification from the relevant foreign higher education system, obtained by 31 July 2025; be issued by a higher education institution that is duly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. Our university will determine the suitability of your academic degree for admission to a " laurea magistrale ." Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to verification of the validity of the qualification obtained. For a preliminary self-assessment of your qualification, we recommend referring to the ARDI database , which contains information on the requirements for admission to Italian universities. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fee and scholarships Apply now | Access the Online Application Portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Finance Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. General diploma requirements Secondary School Diploma Requirements To apply for a Bachelor programme at Università Cattolica, you need to meet the following requirements set by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR): You must finish high school and get your Secondary School Diploma by August 30, 2025 . Access to university-level studies Your high school qualification must satisfy the requirements for access to university-level studies in the awarding country. Some examples are: Selectividad/EBAU in Spain Veveossi Prosvassis in Greece Vestibular / ENEM in Brazil Gao Kao in China YKS (TYT and AYT/YDT) in Turkey High School qualifications that must satisfy additional criteria International Baccalaureate Diploma Carefully read Universita Cattolica IB admission policy . Note for Italian Speakers: If Italian is your first language, do not choose the AP Italian Language and Culture exam, as it will not be considered. Note for Italian Speakers : If Italian is your first language, do not choose A-level Italian, as it will not be considered. English language proficiency requirements Candidates need to upload a recognised English language certificate to the online application.