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Partner University Application
You are viewing Winter programmes Academic offering Housing Applications Post-Admissions for Non-EU students If you are coming from a partner university, you will need to be nominated by your study abroad office. Once you have activated your account login, enter the student enrolment portal . General Information and Conditions of Enrolment Make sure to read carefully the conditions of enrolment. Accept the conditions of enrolment and click on FLYWIRE , then follow the instructions, as is written on the application portal. Post enrolment The Cattolica International Staff will evaluate your application and will contact you via email if further information is needed. If the international staff asks you for further documents, you should re-enter the enrolment portal to upload them. Once the enrolment is finalised, you will receive an email inviting you to re-enter the Enrolment Portal and download your Admission Letters.
How to apply once your university has nominated you
You are viewing Overview Courses Programme dates How to apply once your university has nominated you POST-ADMISSION for NON-EU Students Once Cattolica has received the nomination from your home University, you can complete your application through the Cattolica enrollment portal. Activate your account by clicking the link in the ‘no-reply’ email that was sent to you when Cattolica processed the nomination. Once you have activated your account, you can enter the student enrolment portal: Read all the information below to ensure you complete the application correctly. Università Cattolica reserves the right to request an official document if students intend to take graduate level courses. Optional documents: Permit of stay Fiscal Code Language Proficiency for Italian : compulsory if you are planning on taking courses in Italian at Cattolica. Cattolica Academic Curriculum You can select your courses from this curriculum after checking the academic offer from this curriculum by reading the section on Courses and Programme dates. For Academic Curriculum courses, find the courses available using the ECTS catalogue ( ).To add courses from the Academic Curriculum in the application portal, see below: Click on the yellow “UPLOAD” button (with a plus sign) Leave all the fields empty and click on ‘SEARCH’.
Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI)
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Ammissioni e contributi Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI) Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI). You are viewing Lauree di primo livello Requisiti richiesti Ammissioni e contributi Post-ammissione La VPI (Verifica della Preparazione Iniziale) è una prova obbligatoria per tutti gli immatricolati al 1° anno dei corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale a ciclo unico. Si svolge online ed è utile ad accertare il possesso delle conoscenze di base per poter frequentare con profitto il corso di studi che hai scelto. A seguito dell’immatricolazione troverai indicazione della data in cui sostenere la VPI nella tua pagina iCatt. Se risulterai assente alla prova o non la supererai, ti verranno assegnati automaticamente dei corsi aggiuntivi denominati OFA (Obblighi formativi aggiuntivi) . Ciascuna Facoltà stabilisce il contenuto della VPI e definisce gli OFA per ciascun corso di laurea. Procedura di iscrizione Riconoscimento accademico Trasferimenti Scadenze per la candidatura online Studenti con disabilità Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI).
How to apply once your University has nominated you
You are viewing Overview Course details Programme dates How to apply once your University has nominated you POST-ADMISSION for NON-EU Students Once Cattolica has received the nomination from your home University, you can complete your application through the Cattolica enrolment portal. Once you have activated your account, you can enter the student enrolment portal: Read all the information below to ensure you complete the application correctly. Optional documents: Permit of stay Fiscal Code Language Proficiency for Italian : compulsory if you are planning on taking courses in Italian at Cattolica. Course selection This section refers to the courses you can select at Cattolica. To select courses from the Cattolica International Curriculum: Click the yellow “UPLOAD” button (with a plus sign) on the top right Type the course code and then click on SEARCH. You can select courses from this curriculum after checking the academic offer from this curriculum by reading the section on section Courses and Programme dates. To add courses from the Academic Curriculum, in the application portal see below: Click the yellow “UPLOAD” button (with a plus sign) Type the course code and then click on SEARCH.
How to apply once your university has nominated you
You are viewing Overview Courses Programme dates How to apply once your university has nominated you Post-admission for non-EU students Once Cattolica has received the nomination from your home University, you can complete your application through the Cattolica enrolment portal. Once you have activated your account, you can enter the student enrolment portal: Read all the information below to ensure you complete the application correctly. Optional documents: Permit of stay Fiscal Code Language Proficiency for Italian : compulsory if you are planning on taking courses in Italian at Cattolica. Course selection This section refers to the courses you can select at Cattolica. To select courses from the Cattolica International Curriculum: Click the yellow “UPLOAD” button (with a plus sign) on the top right Type the course code and then click on SEARCH. You can select courses from this curriculum after checking the academic offer from this curriculum by reading the section on section Courses and Programme dates. To add courses from the Academic Curriculum, in the application portal see below: Click the yellow “UPLOAD” button (with a plus sign) Type the course code and then click on SEARCH.
Home Short programmes Study Direct enrollment / Free-mover programme in Piacenza-Cremona Programme dates Programme dates. You are viewing Overview Courses Programme dates Applications &; Tuitions POST-ADMISSION for NON-EU Students. Semester 2 (Spring 2025) Faculty of Economics and Law Beginning of classes: 10 February 2025. Intermediate Examination session (no lectures): 17-21 March 2025 End of classes: 9 May 2025 Catch-up classes: 12-16 May 2025 Exams: 19 May - 18 July 2025 Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Beginning of classes: 17 February 2025 Catch-up classes: 31 March - 4 April and 9-13 June 2025 Intermediate Examination session (no lectures): 7-11 April 2025 End of classes: 6 June 2025 Exams: 16 June - 25 July 2025 Orientation events Calendar.
Home Short programmes Study Exchange / Study Abroad programme in Piacenza-Cremona Programme dates Programme dates. You are viewing Overview Courses Programme dates How to apply once your university has nominated you POST-ADMISSION for NON-EU Students. Semester 2 (Spring 2025) Faculty of Economics and Law Beginning of classes: 10 February 2025. Intermediate Examination session (no lectures): 17-21 March 2025 End of classes: 9 May 2025 Catch-up classes: 12-16 May 2025 Exams: 19 May - 18 July 2025 Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Beginning of classes: 17 February 2025 Catch-up classes: 31 March - 4 April and 9-13 June 2025 Intermediate Examination session (no lectures): 7-11 April 2025 End of classes: 6 June 2025 Exams: 16 June - 25 July 2025 Orientation events Calendar.
Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI)
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Communication Management Admission and tuition Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI). The Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) is a compulsory test for all students enroled in the 1st year of any undergraduate or integrated degree graduate programme. The date for the VPI is automatically assigned after enrolment . You will find the test date, time, and information on its content, as well as mock questions, in your iCatt page (tab “Online registrar”, box “Appointments”). You can request a change of the test date only if strictly necessary and within 8 days prior to the test, through the same box in your iCatt page. The test is held online remotely, and you will receive the technical details after enrolment on your iCatt email box; make sure you activate your iCatt page and your iCatt email box as soon as you enrol. Entry requirements Application procedures Application timeline Transfer applicants Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI).
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Food Production Management Admission and tuition Application timeline Application timeline. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post admission Your application will only be evaluated if all required documents are submitted and the application fee is paid. Considering the high competition for this programme and the limited number of places available, you are strongly advised to apply within the first two assessment rounds. Should you be placed on waiting list, final feedback will be provided no later than the end of July 2024.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Corso di lingua italiana Corso di lingua italiana. L’Università Cattolica organizza un corso di lingua italiana “Pre-session intensive” (45 unità). Dettagli: Leggi qui i dettagli del corso (contenuto disponibile in lingua inglese) Costo: Il costo del corso è di 400. Registrazione: Puoi registrarti al corso di lingua italiana attraverso il link che riceverai via email nel mese di luglio. Una volta che avrai compilato l’application form e cliccato su Register, verrai indirizzato al sito di Paypal, dove potrai pagare tramite un account Paypal o con carta di credito. IMPORTANTE: Oltre al placement test online, dovrai obbligatoriamente sostenere un colloquio orale il 27 agosto 2019 con i docenti di lingua italiana, volto a valutare il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua. L’Università Cattolica garantisce un rimborso solo qualora il corso venisse cancellato a causa di mancanza di partecipanti.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Orientation event Orientation event. Cattolica International organizza un Orientation Event all’inizio di ogni anno accademico per fornire agli studenti internazionali tutte le informazioni necessarie per iniziare la loro esperienza all’ Università Cattolica di Milano. Durante l’Orientation, ti verrà spiegato come trovare le aule, accedere ai servizi dell’università (mensa, centro sanitario, servizi sportivi, ecc.), come richiedere il permesso di soggiorno (solo per cittadini non-UE), e molto altro. Avrai anche l’opportunità di incontrare le associazioni studentesche, che ti guideranno in un tour del campus. Per l'a.a. 2019/20 l'Orientation event si è svolyo nelle seguenti giornate: 11 settembre 2019: sessione informativa sull’università e sulla vita a Milano. settembre 2019: sessione informativa sul permesso di soggiorno (solo per cittadini non-UE). Programma e luogo La registrazione aprirà in luglio, ti verrà inviata una notifica via e-mail.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Ammissioni e contributi Studenti con disabilità Studenti con disabilità. You are viewing Lauree di primo livello Requisiti richiesti Ammissioni e contributi Post-ammissione. A partire dal 1999 l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ha istituito i Servizi per l’inclusione, dedicati a studenti con disabilità e con DSA. Per ulteriori info e approfondimenti visitare la pagina del servizio . Procedura di iscrizione Riconoscimento accademico Trasferimenti Scadenze per la candidatura online Studenti con disabilità Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI) Scarica la brochure Contattaci ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Ammissioni e contributi Riconoscimento accademico Riconoscimento accademico. L’Università Cattolica non può procedere al rilascio automatico di un attestato di equipollenza di titoli accademici esteri. La valutazione di un titolo estero ai fini accademici potrà avere uno di questi esiti: Esito parzialmente positivo: riconoscimento parziale del titolo con possibilità di iscriversi al corso di laurea scelto con abbreviazione di corso. Il candidato è tenuto, in tal caso, a sostenere gli esami a completamento del piano di studi previsto dall’offerta formativa dell’Università Cattolica nonché a discutere la tesi finale prevista per il conseguimento del titolo. Esito negativo: nel caso in cui, ad esempio, il candidato sia in possesso di qualifiche differenti in modo sostanziale o di titolo rilasciato da una istituzione non autorizzata a operare nel paese di provenienza. Per avere maggiori informazioni su questo tipo di riconoscimento si invita a consultare con attenzione il sito del Cimea , centro nazionale d'informazione sul riconoscimento dei titoli di studio conseguiti all'estero. Procedura di iscrizione Riconoscimento accademico Trasferimenti Scadenze per la candidatura online Studenti con disabilità Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI) Scarica la brochure Contattaci ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL.
Accetta o declina l’offerta Se sarai valutato ammissibile, l'International Admissions team ti informerà pubblicando un'offerta nel tuo Online Application Portal e inviando una notifica all'indirizzo email che hai indicato nella domanda online (controlla anche la tua casella di posta indesiderata!). In casi specifici, potrebbe essere necessario fornire uno dei seguenti documenti: Attestato di Comparabilità e Attestato di Verifica del tuo Diploma di scuola superiore rilasciati da CIMEA , Centro di Informazione sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche. A causa dell’alto numero di domande di pre-iscrizione che riceviamo, l'Ufficio Ammissioni Internazionali, oltre ad allegare una copia della tua lettera di ammissione, verificherà e convaliderà la tua richiesta entro otto settimane lavorative dalla presentazione. Richiesta del visto di studio Se lo step precedente è stato completato con successo, riceverai una notifica da UniversItaly e potrai presentare una domanda per ottenere un visto d'ingresso a lungo termine di tipo "D" - rilasciato per motivi di studio ("Immatricolazione Università") presso l'Ambasciata/Consolato italiano della tua giurisdizione. Nota: il costo della vita in Italia all'anno varia da 12.000 a 14.000 (tasse universitarie escluse); Biglietto di ritorno; Assicurazione sanitaria per spese mediche e ricoveri ospedalieri; Passaporto o documento di viaggio valido per almeno tre mesi dopo la data di scadenza del visto; Prova di alloggio in Italia. Se vivi temporaneamente in un paese di cui non sei cittadino, puoi presentare la tua richiesta di pre-iscrizione al Capo del Consolato/Ambasciata italiana di quel paese, che deciderà l'accettazione o il rifiuto della richiesta, basandosi su una valutazione delle circostanze singole e tenendo conto anche dell'interesse pubblico. Il Test di Valutazione della Preparazione Iniziale (VPI) è test obbligatorio delle conoscenze di base per tutti gli studenti iscritti al primo anno di qualsiasi programma di laurea.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Ammissioni e contributi Trasferimenti Trasferimenti. You are viewing Lauree di primo livello Requisiti richiesti Ammissioni e contributi Post-ammissione. Se sei in possesso di maturità a ordinamento estero e chiedi il trasferimento di crediti da un percorso universitario a ordinamento estero, devi presentare apposita candidatura online, secondo le modalità e le tempistiche indicate nel menu qui a sinistra. Inoltre, devi allegare alla tua candidatura i seguenti documenti aggiuntivi: Diploma di laurea, se conseguita Certificato ufficiale degli esami sostenuti con voti, data di sostenimento e crediti. IMPORTANTE Il certificato deve riportare la legenda relativa alla scala di valore dei voti (voto minimo, voto massimo e voto minimo sufficiente) e, nel caso in cui i crediti riportati sul certificato non siano “ECTS”, dovrai fornire la carica oraria di ciascun corso. NB: Salvo se espressamente richiesta da parte della Commissione valutatrice, la traduzione non è dovuta se i documenti prodotti sono nelle seguenti lingue: inglese, francese, spagnolo. Se sei in possesso di maturità italiana o equipollente (Licenza liceale europea e diploma rilasciato da Deutsche Schulen) e chiedi trasferimento da una università a ordinamento estero devi osservare le disposizioni previste dal bando di ammissione al corso di laurea scelto , e devi procedere tramite Portale iscrizioni.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Lauree di primo livello. L'offerta formativa riportata è relativa al corrente anno accademico. Scarica la brochure Contattaci ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL.
Choosing Courses Taught in English Students have the chance to choose among a variety of courses taught in English in the field of Economics , International Management , Banking &; Finance , International Relations and Political Sciences , Political and Social Sciences , Law , Psychology and Communication . Please note: If you plan to select courses from the Faculty of Economics - Coursework in English - Bachelors degree (laurea triennale - LT), you must comply with the prerequisites listed here . Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period): Choose from Annual , 1 st Semester (1 st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2 nd Semester (2 nd and 3 rd Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). Note that LAUREA TRIENNALE (LT) means undergraduate level courses and LAUREA MAGISTRALE (LM) means graduate level courses. Choosing Courses Taught in Italian Students with adequate Italian Language Proficiency may also choose courses from the 9 Faculties and over 30 curricula either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period): Choose from Annual , 1 st Semester (1st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2 nd Semester (2nd and 3rd Semester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). Specific Features Faculty of Law Faculty of Law – Courses taught in English Programme overview International Curriculum Academic Curriculum Italian language course Study Abroad Impact Lab FAQ Apply now Contact us You are viewing.
Choosing Courses Taught in English Students have the chance to choose among a variety of courses taught in English in the field of Economics , International Management , Banking &; Finance , International Relations and Political Sciences , Political and Social Sciences , Law , Psychology and Communication . Please note: If you plan to select courses from the Faculty of Economics - Coursework in English - Bachelors degree (laurea triennale - LT), you must comply with the prerequisites listed here . Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period): Choose from Annual , 1 st Semester (1 st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2 nd Semester (2 nd and 3 rd Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). Note that LAUREA TRIENNALE (LT) means undergraduate level courses and LAUREA MAGISTRALE (LM) means graduate level courses. Choosing Courses Taught in Italian Students with adequate Italian Language Proficiency may also choose courses from the 9 Faculties and over 30 curricula either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period): Choose from Annual , 1 st Semester (1st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2 nd Semester (2nd and 3rd Semester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). Specific Features Faculty of Law Faculty of Law – Courses taught in English International Curriculum Academic Curriculum Italian Language Course Contact us FAQ.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Economics and Management Course details Course details. Class size 2 classes of 115 students, of whom 120 are international* *”International”= A diploma awarded anywhere in the world with the exclusion of: Italian high school qualification (Maturità) | European Bac. Curriculum The undergraduate programme has a common curriculum in the first two years and offers a specialization in either Economics or Management in the third year. The major in Management is aimed at developing skills, knowledge and abilities with reference to the administration and management of firms, the execution of functions and processes affecting the most important and critical areas of companies, and the resolution of problems between functional areas. Career opportunities Students who graduate with a BSc degree in Economics and Management can either continue their studies with a postgraduate programme or enter the job market. There are many career opportunities both in Italy and abroad, especially in the following areas: Professional and managerial roles in internationally-focused companies, across various industries (manufacturing, services, consulting, finance, government) and departments (marketing, sales, operations, finance, HR, administration, etc.). Learning Italian SELDA (Servizio Linguistico di Ateneo) organizes fee-paying Italian language courses .
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Undergraduate programmes Applications for the academic year 2025/2026 are OPEN!
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Finance Finance. Learning objectives The programme combines economics (business and political economics), law , and quantitative subjects with an in-depth focus on finance, covering areas such as corporate finance, private equity, valuation and pricing, banking, derivatives, and financial markets. Finance experts will lead sessions, giving students a chance to assess their skills and guide them towards the right career path. The School of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences offers more than just excellent academic preparation. It provides students with valuable courses on soft skills and digital skills that can be added to their studies. The School also offers in-depth clinical lectures , where students gain specialised knowledge on specific topics. With guidance from the School’s partner organisations and experienced professionals , students will be able to apply their learning in practical ways , delivering high-quality results.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Finance Course details Course details. Class size 80 students, of whom 25 are international* *”International”= A diploma awarded anywhere in the world with the exclusion of: Italian high school qualification (Maturità) | European Bac. Double Degree Opportunities This BSc Degree in Business and Finance gives you the opportunity to study at Bangor University (UK) and earn two separate degrees. This enriching experience combines diverse curricula, exposes students to global perspectives, and enhances career prospects through cross-cultural competence and a broader education scope. Learning Italian SELDA (Servizio Linguistico di Ateneo) organizes fee-paying Italian language courses . For more information contact SELDA from the dedicated iCatt function (in the homepage, box “request for information”), or send an email to selda.lingueper@unicatt . Theology seminar Students are required to attend theology teachings aimed at offering a reasoned and critical knowledge of the Christian message.
Accept or decline offer If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Team will inform you by publishing an offer in your Online Student Portal and sending a notification to the email address you indicated on the online application (check your spam box as well!). Confirm your place: pay the first installment of the tuition fees After you accept the offer, your data will be transferred into our dedicated payment system “Portale iscrizione ai corsi | Programme application”. Activate your account You will receive an email from called “Activation account” containing your new username and a link to set a password; if you already have an account to access the Portale, you will not receive this email. Serbian Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Bulgarian Diploma za sredno obrazovanie : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Please note: Italian Embassies usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized* by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the issuing of the DV. Find here a list of the Italian Consular offices . STEP 2 - Study Visa application If the previous step has been successful, you will receive a notification from UniversItaly and you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Food Production Management Food Production Management. Learning objectives The Food Production Management BSc degree teaches students how to manage different stages of the agri-food chains. Students learn modern techniques in agriculture, from farming to food production, to ensure safe, sustainable, and high-quality food . The programme focuses on supply chains for dairy, cured meats, viticulture, cereals, and horticultural products. Special attention is given to high-quality “Made in Italy” products as case studies. This programme offers a comprehensive education focused on sustainable food production and the management of agri-food systems . Taught at Piacenza campus, the heart of Italy’s ‘Food Valley,’ where Italy’s rich culinary traditions meet cutting-edge research and technology, you’ll benefit from a hands-on learning experience in our state-of-the-art Sensory Lab , where food’s sensory properties are analysed using the latest technology.
Accept or decline offer If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Team will inform you by publishing an offer in your Online Student Portal and sending a notification to the email address you indicated on the online application (check your spam box as well!). Confirm your place: pay the first installment of the tuition fees After you accept the offer, your data will be transferred into our dedicated payment system “Portale iscrizione ai corsi | Programme application”. Activate your account You will receive an email from called “Activation account” containing your new username and a link to set a password; if you already have an account to access the Portale, you will not receive this email. Serbian Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Bulgarian Diploma za sredno obrazovanie : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Please note: Italian Embassies usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized* by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the issuing of the DV. Find here a list of the Italian Consular offices . STEP 2 - Study Visa application If the previous step has been successful, you will receive a notification from UniversItaly and you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction.