Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Health insurance Degree programmes

Health insurance coverage in Italy is not mandatory. As an EU citizen you are covered for emergencies by the national health system by showing your European Health Insurance Card.

If you will be staying in Italy for more than 3 months, we do, however, recommend that you transfer your national health insurance coverage to Italian Health Service (SSN) for the period of your stay, by going to the "ATS - Ufficio scelta e revoca" (office for the choice of the general practictioner) competent on your area of residence in Brescia, bringing the S1 form, issued and completed by your home country competent authority, a valid ID and your Codice Fiscale. You will choose a general practitioner near to you in Brescia and obtain access to public or certified health facilities and hospitals, and emergency care at the same conditions as Italian citizens. Make sure you notify the same office when you leave. 

In case you don’t have a S1 form along with you, you can still obtain health insurance in Italy, including the Italian National Health Service by voluntary subscription - "iscrizione volontaria al SSN". Voluntary subscription for students costs € 700 per calendar year (January to December).

If you choose to seek internationally valid health care coverage, a number of private providers offer qualifying coverage for Italy that can be applied for and obtained in your home country.

Private providers offer supplemental insurance, including Welcome Association Italy (“WAI”), which primarily covers emergency care. WAI cost:  €142 for six months/ €202 for one year (EU nationals under 40). Prices as of June 2019 and might be subject to change.

See the website of the European Commission for more information.

You must bring proof of internationally valid health insurance coverage, effective for the same duration as your Visa term, to the Italian Embassy or Consulate when applying for your Student Visa.

If you do not have existing internationally valid health insurance, a number of private providers offer qualifying coverage for Italy that can be applied for and obtained in your home country.

Other private providers that offer supplemental insurance include Welcome Association Italy (“WAI”), which primarily covers emergency care. WAI cost: approximately € 150.00 for one year. The policy will be valid only after applying for the residence permit. The Residency Permit will expire the same day as the insurance, a 12 months coverage is strongly recommended.
Even if you have private insurance, you can also register to the National Health Service (“Servizio Sanitario Nazionale,” aka “SSN”) upon arrival in Brescia. Registering with the SSN is warmly suggested because it entitles international students to the same treatment as Italian citizens. This includes: choice of a general practitioner, who can visit you free of charge, and who will refer you to specialists (dentists, orthopedics, etc.); admission to public or certified private hospitals; doctor on duty-continuous assistance service (guardia medica) free of charge; lower fees for tests; medical fees exemption for chronic diseases. It costs € 700 per calendar year (January to December). If you enroll in September, you should purchase first a private health insurance for 12 months, and then you can subscribe to the SSN. To register, go to the ATS (Local Health Office) of your city zone and take with you: 

  • self-certificate of enrolment at Università Cattolica (downloadable from iCatt).
  • residence permit, or residence permit application receipt.
  • codice fiscale.
  • copy of passport.
  • receipt of the payment for the SSN subscription (see paragraph below on the Bollettino Postale).

Find here the list of the local ATS offices

Bollettino Postale: You can get this at any post office. The payment must be made on the postal account 379222 in the name of (a favore di) P.T. REGIONE LOMBARDIA and the reason for payment (causale) is “iscrizione al SSN anno…(write the year of coverage).