Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International


Please be advised that the information to follow explains regulations and procedures pertaining to immigration processes which may be affected, modified or changed at any time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Pay the first installment of the tuition fees

Payment instructions and deadlines are published on the Competition Call and sent via e-mail to all admitted students.
Upon receipt of the payment of the first installment of the tuition fee (amounting to €4.000), the International Admissions Office will begin to prepare the official admission letters (digital versions only). This document serves as an official confirmation of the admission and provides further details that will be required for the legal procedures handled by the Embassies / Consulates.

While waiting for the Letters to be created, students are invited to move on to Step 2 and complete their registration on the Universitaly portal.

2. Submit the pre-enrollment request to the Italian embassy/consulate

As a preliminary step to apply for a study visa, all admitted students need to submit a formal “Pre-enrolment request” to the Italian Consulate / Embassy of their jurisdiction.

In order to do so, students are asked to register through the Universitaly portal, a national database that connects each application to the network of the Italian Consular offices in the world.

Given the importance of these steps for the acquisition of the legal documents that we require, please follow these instructions carefully:

  1. register on UniversItaly;
  2. read the step-by-step guidelines and check carefully the preview of the info requested;
  3. complete and submit your pre-enrolment.

The International Admissions Office will then:

  • upload the official Letter of Acceptance on the Universitaly portal, thus confirming your status as an admitted student;
  • check and validate your pre-enrolment request, so that your information is sent directly to the Italian Embassy / Consulate in your territory.

3. Apply for a study visa

If the previous step has been successful, you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction, starting from the date announced by the Italian Ministry for Education (it usually falls in mid-August).


  • You will have to satisfy the following requirements:
  • Proof of economic means of about 6.000€. Please note however that the cost of living in Italy per annum is higher;
  • A return ticket;
  • Proof of accommodation in Bolzano;
  • Health insurance;
  • Passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date;
  • Successful completion of high school studies;
  • Issue the “Dichiarazione di Valore” of your qualification only if required. See the Universitaly form summary for reference.

Please note that each Consular office may autonomously require additional documents.

Please be advised also that the University is not responsible and cannot be considered accountable in the unfortunate event that your Visa application is rejected by the Embassy / Consulate.

If your application is accepted, the Italian Embassy/Consulate will:

  • Stamp the study visa on your passport;
  • Return the pre-enrollment application form (duly stamped) and a certified copy of your diploma (and transcript, if applicable);
  • Issue the “Dichiarazione di Valore” of your qualification - if any.

4. Enroll to the program

Please refer to the Competition Call for more details on the documents that are required for the enrollment process. More instructions with regards to this part of the process will be communicated to all admitted students via e-mail.


(1) The Italian Embassy of the country issuing your passport and responsible for the area where you reside (eg. in Turkey or the USA there are several Italian Embassies, and each of them is responsible for a specific state/region in the country). You can find a list of the Italian Consular offices here. If you temporarily live in a country that you are not a citizen of, you may submit your pre-enrolment request to the Head of Italian Consulate/Embassy of that country, who will decide whether to accept it or not.
(2) The official government Guidelines for admission are published at this link in Italian only.

(3) Legalisation is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a public document is genuine. It does not authenticate the content of the document. Legalisation is usually required by Italian authorities before they will allow a document issued in a third country to be used for official purposes in Italy. If your country signed the La Haye Convention of 05/10/1961, the competent authorities will stamp the Apostille on your qualification. In other countries, specific Ministries are appointed to legalise documents through a stamp. If you studied in Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Germany, Austria or Estonia legalisation of documents is not required according to international agreements.

(4) The Dichiarazione di Valore in loco (DV) is an official document which provides a short description of your qualification, its validity in the awarding country to academic and/or professional ends, and the legal status of the awarding institution. In order to obtain the DV, you have to contact the Italian Consulate/Embassy of the country that awarded the qualification. For example, if you studied in a British school in Ghana, you should refer to the Italian Embassy in the UK for the DV issuing.

1. Pay the first installment of the tuition fees

Payment instructions and deadlines are published on the Competition Call and communicated to the applicant by email.

2. Enroll to the programme

The list of the documents required for the Enrollment procedure is outlined in the Competition Call and will be also communicated to the applicant by email.