Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Health Services

Health Services 

Where: at Collegio Nuovo Joanneum, first floor.

What is offered: general medical examinations free of charge are available at the following times: Tuesdays from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Control-price nutritional status examinations are available by appointment. For information and bookings, please contact the Health Centre directly at 06 3050120.
For more information on the service, please contact the EDUCatt reference office directly.

Health Care Contacts: 06 3050120 | info.rm.dsu@educatt.it


Psychological counselling

EDUCatt offers the students at Università Cattolica in Milan, Brescia, Piacenza and Rome a psychological counselling service, where – by appointment – psychologists and psychotherapists offer support to understand and deal with students’ personal, family and university issues. The aim is to facilitate the clarification of the questions raised, to identify suitable strategies for dealing with discomfort and to promote change. In addition, should the need arise, access to local public and private care services is facilitated. 

Contacts: Rome 06 3050120 | consulenza.psicologica.rm.dsu@educatt.it

Read further information

Health insurance

EU residents holding a European Health Insurance Card are entitled to receive medical treatment in another member state for free, or at a reduced cost. A patient contribution is required for prescriptions, medical examinations, oral and dental care.

Non-EU residents must purchase a health insurance which covers costs related to medical treatment and admission to hospital in order to apply for a Residency Permit. They can either:

  • take out a private health insurance policy in their home country before departure (It is advisable that the insurance policy is validated by the Italian embassy and translated into Italian or English); or
  • take out a private health policy with an Italian insurance company, such as the one provided by W.A.I (Welcome Association Italy: http://www2.waitaly.net/en/): it costs €71 for a period of 6 months and €120 for 12 months. The policy will be valid only after applying for the residence permit. Cattolica International will provide further details during the Orientation Event.

If you plan to stay in Italy for at least one year, you will have to buy a 12-month coverage: the Residency Permit will expire the same day of the insurance.


SSN (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale / National Health Service)

Registering with the SSN is warmly suggested, because it entitles international students to the same treatment as Italian citizens. This includes: choice of a general practitioner, who can visit you free of charge, and who will refer you to specialists (dentists, orthopedics, etc.); admission to public or certified private hospitals; doctor on duty-continuous assistance service (guardia medica) free of charge; lower fees for tests; medical fees exemption for chronic diseases.

Registration with the SSN is valid for one calendar year, from January 1st until December 31th, and it costs € 700. Non-EU students enrolling in September should purchase first a private health insurance for 12 months, and then they can subscribe to the SSN.
In order to register, you have to go to the ASL – Azienda Sanitaria Locale (Local Health Office) of your city area. 

What you need to take with you:

  • self-certificate of enrolment at Università Cattolica (downloadable from iCatt);
  • for non-EU students: residence permit, or residence permit application receipt;
  • codice fiscale;
  • copy of your passport;
  • receipt of the payment for the SSN subscription.

The payment should be made at any post office by means of a Bollettino Postale, which you can get at the post office itself. The payment must be made on the postal account nr. 370007 in the name of (a favore di) Tesoreria Provinciale dello Stato, Regione Lazio and the reason for payment (causale) is “iscrizione al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale anno (write here the year of coverage)”.