Are you enrolling for the first time in a Master Universitario (1-year specializing Master) starting in January 2025?
- You wish to learn the starting date of the programme:
check the programme webpage > Course details > Programme dates.
- You are experiencing issues in accessing Portale Iscrizione ai corsi or iCatt because the password has expired, or you do not remember it:
use the forgot password procedure.
NOTE: access to iCatt is not active if your application status is “Pagamento accertato/Payment confirmed".
The pre/enrolment request form you uploaded is indicated as invalid:
it must be signed in each of the 6 sections, both in the Italian and English versions. If the scanned file is over 5 MB, consider uploading only the Italian version.
NOTE: If some information in the enrolment form is missing or is not correct: please edit the form manually. You can disregard the information indicated/required in the high school section, since you have been admitted based on the Bachelor degree. -
You are not yet enrolled and wondering what to do next:
see the post-admission steps of your programme webpage. -
You need information on housing opportunities? See this link
You have questions on the EDUCatt housing solutions: contact EDUCatt.
Are you already enrolled in a laurea or laurea magistrale (3-year Bachelor or 2-year Master degrees)?
- You have questions on the tuition fees:
Read the Tuition and university fees guide if family income is produced outside of Italy. For income produced in Italy, see this page. Contact Polo studenti from your iCatt page/app (refers to “contributi studenti”) if you need further assistance.
- You have questions on exam registration:
contact Polo Studenti from your iCatt page/app (refers to "Lezioni esami e prova finale).
- You cannot register for exams as the system reports issues with your permit of stay:
send a copy of your permit of stay / receipt of permit of stay request to Polo Studenti from your iCatt page/app (refers to “Gestione carriera e servizi di Segreteria”.
- You need a certificate:
use the box available in your iCatt page (not the app), in the tab “online registrar”.
You are applying to our university for the a.y. 2025/26 and need assistance?
Email, our colleagues will assist you once the University re-opens in January.
You have already applied for our university for the a.y. 2025/26?
We will continue the assessment once the University re-opens in January. You will receive a notification when your dossier is complete, and the feedback on your application will be communicated according to the relevant deadline, published on the programme webpage "Admission and tuition > Application timeline".