Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Short programmes in Milan

Welcome to Università Cattolica International Student Services!

This page is dedicated to students who are arriving to Cattolica’s Milan campus for our Short Programmes (Summer or Winter).
Here you can find all the important resources that will be useful to you before your arrival, during your stay and overall for your life in Milan.

You are now enrolled as a Cattolica student and have been assigned a University email account (e.g. firstname.lastname01@icatt.it).  

*your email address is made up of the username you used for the application portal*

You will receive University communications on both your iCatt email and your personal email accounts so remember to check both!

Read instructions on how to access your email.

In case you need to reset your password for your email account, you must do so from your iCatt login page. You will need to use the automatically generated fiscal code that was sent to you in the first email that you received from the iam_noreply email account with your login credentials.

The orientation event is an essential opportunity for you to find out all the information you need to get your Summer Programme to a great start. You will receive your student card and information about the University and how the Summer Programme is organised. There will also be time dedicated to socialising with your new classmates during the Campus Tour and lunch. 

The orientation event that you should attend depends on when your courses begin. The start date of your Summer Programme is indicated on your admission letter, and the orientation event is always the day after the start date on your admission letter.

The orientation events for the Summer are: 

  • Orientation event 1: 10 June, 2024,  9:15 am
  • Orientation event 2: 24 June, 2024,  9:15 am
  • Orientation event 3: 8 July, 2024,  9:15 am

You will be sent an email with the invitation to your allocated Orientation Event with a schedule and directions. 

Note: If you are enrolled in more than one Summer Course, you only have to attend the orientation for your first summer course.

Download the events presentations
Please note that schedules and syllabus may not be avaliable here until close to the starting date of each session of the Summer Programme. 


First session (10 June to 21 June 2024) 

ZXP709 - Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

Syllabus Calendar

ZXP999 - Mass Communication and Media Industries: The Italian Style in Producing and Managing TV, Ads and Music

Syllabus Calendar

ZXS455 - Discovering Italy through its Culinary Traditions

Syllabus Calendar
Second session (24 June to 5 July 2024)

ZXP320 - Business, Government and the Global Economy

Syllabus Calendar

ZXS453 - The Fashion Market: Structure, Players and Success Factors

Syllabus Calendar

ZXQ012 - New Frontiers in Brand Communication and Consumer Engagement

Syllabus Calendar

ZXQ013 - Brand Strategy Experience: A Professional Approach

Syllabus Calendar

ZXS454 - A Mafia Story: Its Representation in Literature, Cinema and Television

Syllabus Calendar

ZXR906  - Writing a Story: The Art of Captivating People through Storytelling

Syllabus Calendar

ZXU736 - Community Psychology and Family Business: An Integrated Perspective

Syllabus Calendar

ZXU751 - Inclusive Education

Syllabus Calendar
Third session (8 July to 19 or 26 July 2024) 

ZXQ004 - Social and Eco Entrepreneurship

Syllabus Calendar

ZXQ014 - Understanding the Customer: Theories, Trends, and Values for an Effective Communication Strategy

Syllabus Calendar

ZXP322 - Personal Branding: Impact, Influence and Effectiveness in the Workplace

Syllabus Calendar

ZXR905 - Italian Masterpieces: Portrayal of a Culture through its Cinema

Syllabus Calendar

ZXT432 - What Makes Us Global: Cultural and Political Interconnectedness in Effective Leadership and Management

Syllabus Calendar

ZXR907 - Italian Politics,  International Change and Domestic Transformation

Syllabus Calendar

Academic policies

Cattolica International has specific academic policies regarding its Summer Programme that students must formally accept. Please read and sign the Cattolica International Academic Policies and email to international.advisor@unicatt.it.

Cattolica suggests you to monitor the dedicated page on the Italian Ministry of Health website for updates regarding travel to Italy. 

Be sure to check your Government / Embassy guidance on travelling to Italy prior to your departure.
On campus/ In Italy:

  • As an enrolled student at Cattolica, you are by default enrolled in a medical and health insurance (AXA Partners Italia). This is an additional health insurance and personal liability coverage that is complementary to your home university international health coverage we recommend you to enrol in prior to your arrival in Italy

    The AXA Partners Italia coverage is only activated for the exact duration of your programme at Cattolica, it does not cover any travel dates to Italy before the start of the programme, or any travel that you may do after the end of your programme.

    You can get in contact with the health insurance AXA Partners Italia using the following number: +39 06. 42 115 794 . It operates 24/7. The following information must be provided: name and surname, policy number (see the link above), type of service requested, address of the place where the Insure is dislocated, telephone number.
  • Monitor the information posted on the City of Milan’s website dedicated to international travellers and residents.
  • Should you need medical assistance while on campus, you can turn to the University Health Center. Consultations are free of charge. English-speaking Medical Specialist are available on demand. Psychological counselling is available on a fee-paying basis.

    Student Health Center 
    Largo A. Gemelli, 1
    20123 - Milano
    Palazzo Dominicanum
    First floor
    Tel. 02.7234.2217

    Hours of operation:
    Mon to Fri 9.00AM - 4.30PM

If you are sick or you need guidance on what to do regarding a medical issue, you can email us @ international.advisor@unicatt.it.

The Codice Fiscale, or Fiscal Code, is a tax code containing letters and numbers. It is a unique identification code issued by the Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate). It is a required code for many official documents, private contracts, online purchases and money transfers.

If you have a housing contract that lasts more than 30 days, it is very likely that the landlord in Milan will ask you for the Fiscal Code and in this case, you will have to apply for it.

Please read this page for guidance on how to apply for your fiscal code.