Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

During your stay

International students who come to Italy for periods not exceeding three months do not have to apply for a residency permit. EU students have the right of residence in Italy for a period of up to three months without any conditions or formalities other than the requirement to hold a valid travel document (i.e. identity card or passport).

Read here detailed information about this.

If you do have to apply for the permit of stay, you can follow the steps provided here.

Campus map

International Office: School of Medicine, Istituti Biologici (red building), Ground Floor, room 231.
Polo Universitario “Giovanni XXIII” (brown building)

Your Student card

You will be given your student card during the orientation event and you will also be told how and where to use it. It is a necessary document to keep with you when you come to the University, as a means to identify yourself as a Cattolica student, as well as to utilise the services on campus and access different places within the A. Gemelli Hospital.

What do you need it for? 

Wi-fi Unicatt

  1. Activate the wi-fi on your computer/phone and search for the network “wifi-unicatt”
  2. To login, use your user account and password; the same as your i-Catt account

The University Cafeterias (mensa)

At Cattolica Rome campus, we have three cafeterias:

  • Mensa&Caffè.23 - Polo Giovanni XXIII
    Monday to Friday: Lunch from 12.00pm to 3.00pm; Dinner from 6.00pm to 8.00pm
  • Mensa.21 (Sala Colonne)
    Monday to Friday: Lunch from 12.00pm to 3.00pm
  • Mensa at A. Gemelli Hospital
    Monday to Sunday: Lunch from 12.00pm to 3.00pm; Dinner from 7.00pm to 8.15pm; Saturday: Lunch from 12.30pm to 1.45pm, Dinner from 7.00pm to 8.15pm


How to use this mensa:

  1. Load money onto your student ID at the machine outside the mensa doors. Insert your student ID and remove straight away, as shown on the video. The machine will take a second to recognise your account and then it will ask you what you action you want to take. Pay with cash or card.
  2. Once inside the mensa, check the day’s menu on the corner pillar and join the line
  3. Grab a tray, cutlery and bread (optional)
  4. Choose what you would like. A full meal is 1x first course, 1x second course, 1x side course, 1xfruit or yoghurt. The first hot options you see are the ‘primi’ (first courses), which are usually rice/pasta/soup.

    Next are the ‘secondi’ (second courses), which usually include meat/fish/vegetarian protein options. 

    Here you can also choose a hot side dish. 

    Instead of a hot second course, if you prefer, you can take an ‘insalatona’ (big salad) from the refrigerated shelves in the next section. or even a side dish from the refrigerated shelves, which is usually a small piece of cheese or a small bowl of salad. (You can ask for olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar at the cashier).

    Next you can choose a snack (yoghurt / fruit/ cake)
  5. Grab a beverage at the beverage fountain machine (free refills)
  6. Pay by swiping your student ID card at the cash register
  7. Enjoy! (buon appetito!)
  8. When you are finished eating, place your tray on the conveyor belt in the dining area on the right.
  9. When you are finished eating, place your tray on the conveyor belt near the exit.


Composing your meal

FIRST COURSE (Primo piatto): Pasta / risotto / soup
SECOND COURSE (Secondo piatto): Meat / fish/ vegetarian option (omelette, pie) / large salad
SIDE DISH (Contorno): Vegetables, small salad, small piece of cheese
DESSERT: Yogurt, pudding, fruit

Complete meal: €6.65

First Course
Second Course
Side Dish
Drink (free refill)

Lunch meal 1: €5.00

First Course
Side Dish
Drink (free refill)

Lunch meal 2: €5,00

Second Course
Drink (free refill)

Lunch meal 3: €5,00

Second Course
Side Dish
Drink (free refill)


Health Center

Should you need medical assistance while on campus, you can turn to the University Health Center (CENTRO SANITARIO) that provides all registered students with medical care, nursing care and psychological counselling. 

If you require medical assistance, contact the EDUCatt Office to arrange an appointment with the Health Center of EDUCatt.

University Residence Nuovo Joanneum
Largo F. Vito, 1 00168 - ROMA
Tel. (+39) 06 3050120
E-mail: info.rm.dsu@educatt.it
Opening hours: Tuesdays 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm

If you are sick or you need guidance on what to do regarding a medical issue, you can email us @ ucsc.international-rm@unicatt.it.

In case of urgent need of medical assistance, you can call the emergency service number 112 (Police/Ambulance/Fire Departement) or go directly to the Gemelli’s Emergency Room, where first aid treatment and surgery is provided to emergency and urgent cases, necessary procedures to resuscitate and stabilize a patient in critical conditions are carried out and tests needed to assess the severity of the case are taken.

Sports facilities

The campus offers students:

  • a football field
  • three tennis courts
  • a volleyball court
  • a basketball court
  • a 5-a-side field
  • a gym for judo and gymnastics

Several sport events are held on campus such as football, basketball and volleyball tournaments between teams made up of University students, doctors and staff.

Download APP Sportclubby with IOS or Android to book sport fields.

Visit https://sportincampusroma.educatt.online/

Check the website of the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli for detailed information.

Hospital map

Departments and Operational Units

The Health protocol

Each candidate must receive a formal approval by the Health Surveillance Unit in order to start an elective rotation. Read carefully the Health surveillance’s instructions  and proceed accordingly.

Please, note that the health protocol may take from 1 to 2 weeks, therefore is warmly advised to send the requested documents before your arrival. For those who wish to undertake a 1-month clinical elective, it is mandatory to send the immunization record (duly filled in English in a single PDF file that includes tests and results) at least 4 weeks before the starting date.

Should you have any question regarding the health protocol, please contact the Health Surveillance Office by e-mail health.surveillance-rm@unicatt.it.

A. Gemelli Safety Handbook

  • All members of the community are required to ensure full compliance with the rule of law, the principles laid down in the Code of Ethics, the "Regulations for the implementation of the rules on health and safety at work" and internal procedures and provisions aimed at protecting personal health and safety by ensuring proper hygiene in the workplace.
  • This is also essential in the event of an emergency where the intervention of dedicated teams can only be successful if everyone follows procedures properly.
  • The Safety Handbook will be sent to you in pdf format. Read the Handbook carefully and memorise its contents.  You should sign a receipt and deliver it to us at the Orientation event.

Wardrobe service

The wardrobe service is located at B1 sector (first floor) at the A. Gemelli Hospital.

Exchange students are allowed to pick their white coat within the opening hours.

OPENING HOURS: 7am - 3pm

Please note that, as part of the preparations for your upcoming hospital internship, we need to organize appropriate attire for you. This includes surgical gowns, scrubs, and clogs. To ensure that we order the correct sizes for each of you, we will kindly request that you provide us with your measurements in American sizing, as well as your height.


Once you have the final approval by the health surveillance (“giudizio di idoneità”), an appointment with your supervisor will be scheduled. The supervisor is responsible of establishing your schedule during the traineeship, of evaluating the completed traineeship and of signing the final training certificate.

At the end of your clinical traineeship, you will be provided with a final training certificate (and a ToR if applicable) which reports an evaluation signed by your supervisor and by our International Office.