School: Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences
Business case location:Centro Ricerche Pietro Ferrero (Alba, Italy)
Intake: October 2026
Edition: 11
Language of instruction: English
Duration: 1 year
Total ECTS: 60
For the academic year 2026/2027, the inter-university 2nd-level 1-year Specialising Master programme in “Innovation in Food Science and Technology – Michele Ferrero” will be offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at the University of Turin.
Learning objectives
Graduates will gain the scientific expertise needed to make meaningful contributions within food production companies, research and development departments, or consultancy roles, effectively tackling current challenges in the field. They will develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the creation and reformulation of food products, adopting an innovative, international outlook focused on maintaining quality and safety throughout production and processing.