Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International


Campus: Milan

School: Psychology

Intake: September 2024

Edition: 5

Language of instruction: English

Duration: 3 years

Degree awarded: Laurea in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche

Total ECTS: 180

The Undergraduate programme in Psychology at Università Cattolica is a three-year degree focusing on an interdisciplinary knowledge of the basic and innovative issues of the psychology discipline. The psychology tradition in our University stands upon the century-long experience in research and teaching and incorporates the newest innovations in the field. Our approach embraces multidisciplinary visions on psychological theories, methods, and techniques. Our teaching method is characterized by an active, learner-centered approach supported by specialized teaching assistants. Additionally, a full-time tutorship will be available for all students across the program. The course also features an honors track for students interested in research activities

Università Cattolica's Psychology School scored the highest satisfaction rate amongst students (95,5%) in Italy. 87,5% would recommend the Faculty to peers. (source: Consorzio AlmaLaurea 2020).