The Faculty of Economics hosts its first International Advisory Board

The IAB aims to advise the faculty on possible developments and trends related to its international strategy and the creation of the Board will help the faculty strengthen its international relationships and strategies designed for the training of students, the visibility of professors and greater proximity to the business sector.
The Advisory Board’s main goal is to share the best business and economics practices, develop and internationalise the teaching staff, share experiences to face challenges in the context of higher education, highlight the relevant sources for change in the organisation, and generate spaces for construction and criticism of strategic development.
The Advisory Board is chaired by Professor Antonella Occhino, Dean of Faculty of Economics at Università Cattolica. As higher education experts, the board includes Dr Nick Letch, Dr Catherine Pereira Villa and Richard Russo who will be working in close collaboration with diverse business managers, quality, and accreditation experts as well as Università Cattolica’s Director of Master of Science in Management, Stefano Baraldi.
Dr Nick Letch is the Deputy Dean and Deputy Head of the Business School at the University of Western Australia, whose research interests examine the interplay of social and technical aspects of information technology implementations.
Associate Vice Chancellor of Undergraduate Education at UC Berkeley, Richard Russo worked as the Director of UC Berkeley Summer Sessions, where he oversaw the development of the first UC Berkeley online courses. He is also a New York State Certified Public Accountant and has served as the Chief Financial Officer for the Boston University Division of Extended Education, and as the Director of Finance and Administration for the Boston University Division of International Programs.
Dr Catherine Pereira is Dean of the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences at La Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia. Dr Pereira will be able to contribute to the IAB with a view of education from a Latin American context, foster strategic partnerships, and provide academic opportunities for lifelong learning.
Other members of the newly founded IAB include Marco Albertoni, Global COO at IBM, Mauro Fenzi, CEO of Sogefi, Giangaddo Prati, Group CFO at Barilla, Anna Maria Tarantola, President of the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation, former Vice General Director of the Bank of Italy and former President of Rai, the Italian state radio and TV broadcaster, Dr Anna Blombäck, Associate Dean at Jönköping International Business School, Dr Isabelle Fagnot, Associate Dean Quality and Accreditation at KEDGE Business School, Dr Mathias Falkenstein, Managing Director at XOLAS, a higher education consulting firm based in Berlin, Germany and Professor Antonella Occhino, Dean of Faculty of Economics at Università Cattolica.
Through close collaboration the IAB members aspire to establish Università Cattolica’s Faculty of Economics on the international stage by sharing ideas and working on faculty programs, internationalising faculty members, inviting international professors, and creating joint programs and projects.