Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Course details

You can create your Study Plan by selecting courses from our wide academic offer, either in English or Italian:
  • English-taught courses: Università Cattolica, Brescia campus, offers a variety of courses taught in English in the field of Mathematics, Economics, Data sciences
  • Italian-taught courses: if you have an adequate Italian Language Proficiency you may also choose courses from the 6 Faculties and 24 curricula either at the undergraduate or graduate level. 

Go to course listings and descriptions


Choosing courses

Follow the steps:

  • Choose Anno Accademico 2022/2023 (Academic year 2022/2023)
  • Choose sede di Brescia (Brescia campus)
  • Choose the Facoltà (Faculty) you are interested in (PLEASE NOTE that the list is in Italian: check the translation before starting)
  • Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period): annual, 1st Semester and 2nd Semester 
  • Choose Lingua Inglese (English Language) or Lingua Italiiano (Italian Language)
  • Click on Cerca (Search)
  • You will find the list of courses: if you click on each of them, you will see the name of the professor who teaches the course
  • By clicking on the name of the professor, you will find the number of credits, the schedule (Orario lezioni) and the description (Programma del corso). Note that LAUREA TRIENNALE (LT) means undergraduate level courses and LAUREA MAGISTRALE (LM) means graduate level courses.

Upon arrival you will have two weeks to make the necessary changes to your learning agreement / course request list.

No registration is required for courses belonging to the Cattolica University Academic Curriculum. You will be advised how to make changes to their study plan during Orientation.


Orientation Events

Università Cattolica organizes two Orientation Events for International Students at the beginning of each semester to provide students with all the necessary information for their stay at Università Cattolica. 

During the orientation, you will be informed on how to organize your course schedule, select courses, find classrooms, how to access campus facilities (cafeteria, library, health center and sports service, etc.). You will also receive your Cattolica student card/badge.