Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition

Campus: Cremona

School: Agricultural, food and environmental sciences

Intake: September 2024

Edition: 5

Language of instruction: English

Duration: 2 years

Degree awarded: Laurea magistrale in Food Processing: Innovation and Tradition

Total ECTS: 120


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The M.Sc. in Food Processing will enable students to generate new food products and modify existing products and processes, as well as implementing new methods to improve food quality.

Students will acquire skills regarding scientific and engineering principles in research and development but will also be qualified to prepare and submit product costs, based on acquisition of raw materials and manufacturing budgets.

The programme will teach students to check and improve the food safety and quality metrics, from conception to market. At the end of the programme students will be proficient in developing and implementing waste management specifications, and manage the «circular economy» approach in food process.

Hear what a leading industry professional and our Program Director have to say!