These codes are different from the PIN codes used during the test.
To find out which anonymous code has been assigned to your application, please follow the instructions that will be sent to you via email by the International Admissions office.
Schedule and venues
Candidates must choose one answer only.
The topics of the multiple-choice questions are as follows:
- 2 questions on general knowledge;
- 20 questions on logical reasoning;
- 18 questions on Biology;
- 12 questions on Chemistry;
- 8 questions on Physics and Mathematics;
- 5 questions on ethics and religious culture.
Candidates have 65 minutes to complete the test.
There is a maximum score of 65 (sixty-five) points for the exam, assigned as follows:
- 1 point for each correct answer;
- 0.25 point is taken off for each incorrect answer;
- 0 points for any answer mot given.
The minimum score required to be eligible for the degree programme is no less than 20 points out of 65.
The rules of the Entrance Exam forbid the use of mobile phones, calculators, tablets, online-enabled devices and the consultation of printed books and/or manuscripts and notes.
Preparation for entrance exam
Here you can find some useful links which can help you prepare for the Admission test:
- List of topics to study for the scientific questions
- Sample database of logic-related questions
- Guide to logic exercises
- Religious texts: Dignitas personae - Caritas in Veritate - Laudato Sì
Online simulator
Upon payment of the non-refundable application fee of €200, you will receive the link to an online simulator to prepare for the Entrance Exam. The online simulator consists of approximately 3,000 questions included as examples. The questions used in the exam will not be taken from the simulator database.
Preparation courses
Read further information about the courses.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Selexi via email at
This is an extra opportunity for our candidates to gain the skills and confidence they need to succeed. It should not be considered as a substitute for the official test preparation materials provided on this site and offered through our online test simulator.