Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Course details

Each course syllabus is available here.
Select the academic year, campus and Faculty to view and download the file. 

First year

  • Mathematical methods and probability - 8 ECTS
  • Statistical inference - 8 ECTS
  • Applied linear models - 8 ECTS
  • Computational statistics - 8 ECTS
  • Database systems and computer programming - 8 ECTS
  • Principles of management and tech law - 8 ECTS
  • One elective course among: - 8 ECTS
    • Bayesian modelling
    • New venture development and data driven strategy

Second year

  • Statistical learning - 8 ECTS
  • Time series and spatial data analysis - 8 ECTS
  • Advanced programming and deep learning for AI - 8 ECTS
  • One elective course among: - 8 ECTS
    • Stochastic processes and optimization for machine learning
    • Financial markets and institutions
  • One elective course among: - 8 ECTS
    • Empirical economics
    • Marketing analytics
    • Data visualization and text mining
  • Elective courses - 8 ECTS
  • Thesis - 6 ECTS

Elective courses

  • Internship / Research assistanship / Field project - 8 ECTS
  • Causal methods for policy evaluation - 4 ECTS
  • Strategic decision-making - 4 ECTS
  • Strategic equity transactions - 4 ECTS
  • Data-driven operations and supply chain management - 4 ECTS
  • Logic, rationality and decisions - 4 ECTS
  • Statistical methods for network data - 4 ECTS
  • Experimental design - 4 ECTS
  • Italian course - 4 ECTS


The curriculum is flexible to encourage students to pursue their interests.

For instance, two broad study tracks are:
i) Data science method and
ii) Applied business analytics.

For track i) the recommended choices are:

  • Bayesian modelling
  • Stochastic processes and optimization for machine learning
  • Empirical economics or Data visualization and text mining

For track ii) the recommended choices are:

  • New venture development and data-driven strategy
  • Financial markets and institutions
  • Marketing analytics or Data visualization and text mining
The Master of Science in Data analytics for business opens up several career opportunities.

Graduates will master methods and tools to become Data scientist and Data analyst within data-driven companies across a variety of industries, such as manufacturing, services, finance, insurance, and consulting.

Suitable graduates may also pursue research-oriented careers enrolling in PhD programs in Statistics, Data Science or related areas, leading to jobs in academia as well as research centers.

Classes for academic year 2024/2025  start on September 16th, 2024.

Find here the calendar of the Faculty of Economics for the academic year 2024/25. 

A Welcome event is usually organized by the Faculty in the week prior to the beginning of the courses; confirmation and details will be available in early August.

If you are looking for a flexible and autonomous solution to learn Italian while studying at Università Cattolica, you can access the self-learning linguistic lab (CAP) of the SeLdA (Servizio Linguistico d’Ateneo) and benefit from a personalized language advisory service. 

In addition, SELDA organizes fee-paying Italian language courses, for more information contact SELDA from the dedicated iCatt function (in the homepage, box “request for information”).

Students are required to attend theology teachings aimed at offering a reasoned and critical knowledge of the Christian message.