Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Course details

The first year of the programme focuses on the foundations of economics and quantitative analysis.
The second year is devoted to field courses that will expose students to recent developments at the frontier of economic research in a variety of topics. In the last part of the second year students will work on their final dissertation.

Each course syllabus is available here.
Select the academic year, campus and Faculty to view and download the file. 

First year

  • Empirical economics - 8 ECTS
  • Macroeconomics - 8 ECTS
  • Mathematics for economic analysis - 8 ECTS
  • Microeconomics - 8 ECTS
  • Statistical modelling - 8 ECTS
  • Two Business courses among the following - 16 ECTS
    • Business communication
    • Business sustainability
    • Corporate strategy
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Finance and risk management
    • Performance measurement
    • Public management
    • Supply chain management
  • One Law course among - 8 ECTS
    • Principles of financial regulation
    • Transnational business law

Second year

  • Three Economics courses (GDE) among the following - 24 ECTS:
    • Industrial organization
    • International economics (Advanced international trade and macroeconomics)
    • Labour economics (theory and methods)
    • Monetary economics and asset pricing
    • Policy evaluation
    • Political and public economics
    • Political economy of the European Union
  • One of the following (student's choice subject to approval) - 8 ECTS:
    • A course in Economics (GDE)
    • Internship programme
    • A course in Business (GDA)
    • A course in Law (GDG)
    • A course among:
      • Business analytics
      • Corporate finance  (options, futures and derivatives)
      • International corporate finance
      • Project management
      • Quantitative methods for finance
  • Final dissertation - 24 CFU/ECTS
Courses may be taught by individual members of faculty, such as lecturers, senior lecturers, readers, associate professors and professors. Faculty members are internationally recognized economists.

Each course’s contact hours are approximately 60 hours. This includes sessions such as lectures, classes, seminars or workshops. Some courses give students the opportunity to improve their skills through both tutorials and Computer/laboratory sessions.

Students will be evaluated on the basis of a written and/or oral exam. Depending on the course, classroom presentations, problem sets, and take-home assignments will contribute to the final grade.

Learning objectives, course content, teaching and assessment method vary: please see individual courses programs for further details.

RA and internship programmes are held in the second year of the programmes, typically in 3rd term (exact dates may vary). The two programmes are alternative to each other, but share common features:
  • minimum duration of 10 weeks between April and July
  • 8 CFU/ECTS
  • Eligibility: at least 26/30 GPA – 40 CFU
  • Aim: exploit and put into practice the set of competencies acquired during the course of studies


RA programme

Research assistantship programme is targeted to students interested in academic research. Students attending the programme will be given the opportunity to work with a member of the Department of Economics and Finance on an ongoing research project. Topics of the project range across different fields in economics and may be empirical as well as theoretical.


Internship programme

The internship programme is targeted to students interested in pursuing a particular professional career in national and international firms, private and public national and international institutions, research institutions, banks and financial institutions. Partner institution include, among others, IRS (Istituto per la ricerca Sociale – Institute for Social Research), Nomisma, REF Ricerche , Intesa San Paolo research unit, Ipsos, Assolombarda, Ispra Joint Research Center (European Commission).

The programme has performed very well in terms of placement in the labour market (European Central Bank, Eurizon, Deloitte, Oxford Policy Management, Intesa San Paolo, Chatham House, REF Ricerche, Deutsche Bundesbank) and in academia (some of our students are now completing their Ph.D. at Brown University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, University of Nottingham, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and include winners of prestigious scholarships granted by the Bank of Italy).

The university offers various sessions/events on career guidance. The Career Service organizes meeting with companies, one-to-one career advice, job interview simulations, and a continuously updated list of available job postings.

The professional profile for students that graduate in Economics enables them to work in organisations, centres of study and analyses of economic systems, both at national and inter-national level. In addition, the graduate in Economics is in a position to continue and further deepen his or her studies at a doctoral level, in order to pursue an academic career, also at inter-national level.

In particular, the Graduate degree holder can perform a variety of professional functions related to a variety of employment outlets.

Professional Functions:

  • Performing operational tasks within banking and financial institutions;
  • Providing consultancy services in the economic, socio-demographic, economic, financial and industrial fields;
  • Managing relations with public administrations, regulatory authorities and international institutions;
  • Performing tasks related to economic and social research.

Possible job opportunites are: International organisations, banking and financial institutions, consultancy firms, private companies, public and private research institutes, innovative segments of the public administration, regulatory authorities, non-profit organisations, business press, universities.

A Welcome event is usually organized by the Faculty in the week prior to the beginning of the courses; confirmation and details will be available in early August.

The degree includes preliminary courses in Mathematics and Statistics, held in the week prior to the starting of classes. The pre-courses are included in the programme, no fees or registration are required.

Classes for academic year 2024/2025 start on September 16th, 2024.

Find here the calendar of the Faculty of Economics for the a.y. 2024/25. 

If you are looking for a flexible and autonomous solution to learn Italian while studying at Università Cattolica, you can access the self-learning linguistic lab (CAP) of the SeLdA (Servizio Linguistico d’Ateneo) and benefit from a personalized language advisory service. 

In addition, SELDA organizes fee-paying Italian language courses, for more information contact SELDA from the dedicated iCatt function (in the homepage, box “request for information”).

Students are required to attend theology teachings aimed at offering a reasoned and critical knowledge of the Christian message.