Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Course details

The teaching calendar is organized in three quarters (Fall, Winter and Spring terms).

Each course syllabus is available here.
Select the academic year, campus and Faculty to view and download the file. 

First year

  • Managerial economics - 8 ECTS
  • Mathematics for management - 8 ECTS
  • Transnational business law - 8 ECTS
  • Four advanced business courses among - 32 ECTS
    • Corporate finance (options, futures and derivatives)
    • Corporate strategy
    • Customer-based marketing strategy
    • Financial accounting and analysis (main issues in application of IFRS)
    • HR management
    • Management control systems
    • Supply chain management

Second year

  • One elective course among - 8 ECTS:
    • Industrial organization
    • International economics
    • Labor economics
    • Political economy of the European Union
  • Two elective courses among - 16 ECTS
    • Business communication
    • Change management
    • International corporate finance
    • Management information systems
    • Performance measurement
    • Project management
    • Work and organisational psychology
  • One elective course among - 8 ECTS
    • Brand management
    • Business analytics
    • Business sustainability
    • Cross cultural management
    • Entrepreneurship
    • International business management
    • Public management
  • Business Lab: introductory course - 4 ECTS
  • Field project or Internship - 8 ECTS
  • One course among the advanced and elective courses - 8 ECTS
  • Final dissertation - 12 ECTS
The integration will be carried out through the involvement of testimonials, site visits, case studies, etc. as well as student participation in a field project or internship. Please note that students will be assigned to the project or internship based on the demand for each of the sectors and overall student performance.

20 leading companies are currently partnering with the Master of Science in Management in each business lab, thus providing Cattolica students with the golden opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of a specific business setting and a truly practical experience.

Astra Zeneca
Energy Team
Ernst & Young
Falck Renewables
Fratelli Beretta
Gi Group
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia
Ospedale di Sassuolo
Fondazione Poliambulanza
All MScM students are involved in fieldwork activities (either an internship or a field project) with a group of leading companies.

By the end of year 1, students apply for being admitted to 5 business labs which are the core of the programme. Business labs foresee the integration of fifteen business partners divided into four themed sectors:

  • Digital and consulting
  • Multinational firms
  • Luxury and fashion
  • Lifescience and technology


Each lab consists of:

  • an introductory course (4 ECTS): the course is held in the 2nd term of year 2 (January-March);
  • a field project or an internship (8 ECTS): this “fieldwork” is scheduled in the 2nd and/or 3rd terms of year 2 (January-June), depending on the agreements reached with the partnering companies of the lab;
  • 2 business lab elective courses (16 CFU).

Broadly speaking:

  • an internship (8 ECTS) is a training project aimed at fostering an “on the job” training as well as the acquisition of practical knowledge, involving business lab partners as tutor/mentor of the student; it takes place towards the end of the programme (in the 2nd and/or 3rd terms of year 2) and requires students at least 250 hours of work, either part-time (approx. 4 months) or full-time (approx. 2 month);
  • a field project (8 ECTS) consists of a teamwork tutored by one professor with business experience aimed at delivering a “consulting project” to one of the lab’s partnering companies on current issues of concern; it usually lasts 3 months, takes place towards the end of the programme (in the 2nd and/or 3rd terms of year 2) and requires students at least 250 hours of work.

Further information

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, through the Faculty of Economics, Master's Degree Programme in Management offers its students the possibility of obtaining at the conclusion of their study path a double qualification:
  • Laurea Magistrale in Management - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
  • Master of Science in International Marketing - Boston University, OR 
    Master of Commerce from the The University of Western Australia

More information

The Master of science in Management opens up a wide range of career opportunities in the international labour market to people who want to play an active role in global and local companies operating in different sectors.

Graduates have a flexible and multidisciplinary profile to pursue managerial, consultant, professional, and entrepreneurial careers in complex organizational environments where international and multicultural issues stand out.

In particular, the Master of science in Management offers career opportunities in large consultancy, multinational, luxury, and healthcare organizations, as well as in small and medium enterprises.
Professional consulting positions in all areas of banking and finance nationally and internationally are of course another option too.

Classes for academic year 2024/2025 start on September 16th, 2024.

Find here the calendar of the Faculty of Economics for the 2024/25. 

A Welcome event is usually organized by the Faculty in the week prior to the beginning of the courses; confirmation and details will be available in early August.

If you are looking for a flexible and autonomous solution to learn Italian while studying at Università Cattolica, you can access the self-learning linguistic lab (CAP) of the SeLdA (Servizio Linguistico d’Ateneo) and benefit from a personalized language advisory service. 

In addition, SELDA organizes fee-paying Italian language courses, for more information contact SELDA from the dedicated iCatt function (in the homepage, box “request for information”).

Students are required to attend theology teachings aimed at offering a reasoned and critical knowledge of the Christian message.