Applications for academic year 2025/26 are closed!
The following procedure is applicable to International candidates, meaning those students who hold or who are about to obtain a non-Italian high school qualification.
The procedure does not apply to students who attend:
- Italian High Schools, either in Italy or other countries
- European Schools or Accredited European Schools
- German high schools located in Italy, who take both the Italian Esame di Stato and the Abitur.
Such candidates must follow admission procedures for domestic students.
The Programme has a maximum capacity of 110 seats divided as follows:
- 40 seats reserved to Italian and EU citizens residing anywhere and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy with permesso di soggiorno / permit of stay
- 70 seats reserved to non-EU citizens residing abroad
Please note that the number of available places may change based on a decision by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), under Law no. 264, from August 2, 1999.
According to privacy rules, the official rankings will only show anonymous codes, not the names of applicants. These codes are unique identifiers given to each candidate to check the rankings safely and privately.
They are different from the PIN codes used during the test.
To find out which anonymous code has been assigned to you, follow the instructions that will be emailed to you by the International Admissions office.