Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Course details

Each course syllabus is available here.
Select the academic year, campus and Faculty to view and download the file. 

First year

  • Accounting and management in insurance - 10 ECTS
  • Actuarial non-life insurance - 8 ECTS
  • Advanced calculus and stochastic processes - 9 ECTS
  • Data analysis for insurance - 9 ECTS
  • Econometrics - 7 ECTS
  • Statistics for economics and finance - 9 ECTS
  • Quantitative methods for finance - 4 ECTS

Second year

  • Actuarial life insurance - 8 ECTS
  • Actuarial models for social security and pension funds - 7 ECTS
  • Economics for finance - 7 ECTS
  • Insurance law and regulation - 6 ECTS
  • Insurance statistics and advanced risk theory - 11 ECTS
  • Foreign language (French, Spanish, German or Italian for foreign students) - 3 ECTS
  • Elective courses - 10 ECTS
  • Final dissertation - 12 ECTS
Graduates will gain methodological knowledge and tools also at an interdisciplinary level that will enable them to fill jobs at high professional levels both in private companies and state or local public institutions; that is to say, in medium and large businesses, banks, insurance companies and welfare institutions. They will carry out analysis and management of human resources, production, and quality. They will analyze and evaluate markets and socio-economic and environmental scenarios and run a statistical analysis of complex phenomena.


Specifically the degree in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences prepares for Actuary and Risk Manager.

Student enrolled on the graduate degree programme in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences (Curriculum Actuarial Sciences for Insurance) can access a profile for a double degree:
  • Graduate Degree in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) and
  • Graduate Degree in Mathematical Finance (UNC Charlotte). 


Read here further information.

Classes for the academic year 2024/25 will start on September 9th, 2024.

Find here the calendar of the Faculty of Banking, Finance and Insurance Sciences for the academic year 2024/25. 

If you are looking for a flexible and autonomous solution to learn Italian while studying at Università Cattolica, you can access the self-learning linguistic lab (CAP) of the SeLdA (Servizio Linguistico d’Ateneo) and benefit from a personalized language advisory service. 

In addition, SELDA organizes fee-paying Italian language courses, for more information contact SELDA from the dedicated iCatt function (in the homepage, box “request for information”).

Students are required to attend theology teachings aimed at offering a reasoned and critical knowledge of the Christian message.