Language Proficiency Requirements
General entry requirements
- Eligible candidates need to hold a high school diploma.
- Eligible candidates need to hold an undergraduate degree or be enrolled in the final year of their undergraduate degree.
- Entry to second cycle programmes is possible if the undergraduate degree manifests all of the following characteristics:
- It is an official first cycle qualification of the relevant foreign higher education system,
- It is a qualification issued by a higher education institution regularly accredited or recognized in the awarding country. If you studied in a third country, the institution where studies were located has to be accredited or recognized in the country where it operates,
- It is a qualification that allows entry to comparable second cycle programme in the relevant foreign higher education system.
- It is a qualification showing corresponding elements to the Italian qualification required for entry to a Master universitario di I livello, such as the academic nature, research elements, duration of the programme and total ECTS (min. 3 years and 180 ECTS), total years of schooling (15 years are usually required).
- The undergraduate degree must be obtained:
- EU citizens: before the start of the programme.
- Non-EU citizens: at least two months prior to the start of the programme.
Suitability of the academic degree for admission to Master Universitari di I livello is established by the university receiving the application: each university sets its own criteria and regulations (including required documentation) for admission and enrolment in a study programme.
Admission is based on the evaluation of the academic documents submitted with the application, while enrolment is subject to the verification of the validity of the qualification obtained.