Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Post admission

Post admission steps are the same for all programmes (except Medicine and surgery).
If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Team will inform you by publishing an offer in your Online Student Portal and sending a notification to the email address you indicated on the online application (check your spam box as well!).

The offer will outline:

  • The conditions (if any) that will have to be satisfied in order to enroll.
  • The instructions on how to accept Cattolica offer and the deadline to pay the first installment of the tuition fees in order to reserve a place on the indicated degree programme.
  • If you have been awarded the UCSC International Scholarship (applicable to non-EU residents only). 


How to respond:
Log back into your Online Application Portal, click on "View your decision" and select “Reply”. 
Accepting the offer does not involve any payment yet and if you respond “Accept”, you simply enable the system to send you the instructions to secure your place!
If you do not respond, or decline the offer, your place in the programme will be reassigned. Your admission cannot be deferred to the next academic year. 

After you accept the offer, your data will be transferred into our dedicated payment system “Portale iscrizione ai corsi | Programme application”. 
Follow these steps to confirm your place in the programme of admission:

STEP 1. Activate your account
You will receive an email from IAM_noreply@unicatt.it called “Activation account” containing your new username and a link to set a password; if you already have an account to access the Portale, you will not receive this email. 
Use the link provided in the message to set the password and log in the “Portale iscrizione ai corsi / Programme application” with your new credentials.

Set the language of the interface to ‘English’ and fill out the Privacy data. Click on the button “Continue”.

STEP 2. Upload the required documents
Select "Add" in each box and upload the documents indicated as “Required document”. Optional documents and / or “Documentation in process of validation” do not block the subsequent steps. 

Click on the button “Continue”.   

STEP 3. Read the refund policy
Before you proceed with the payment, read our refund policy.

STEP 4. Choose the payment method
Click on “Read and accept” in the Information notice and select the button “PagoPA” in two subsequent pages.

  1. If you have an Italian credit/debit card or an Italian bank account, you can proceed selecting the box “Paga online”.
  2. If you do not possess an Italian card/account, you can proceed with a credit card of the VISA or MasterCard circuits, selecting “Paga più tardi”. 
    Click on “Stampa bolletino” and pay by accessing Scrigno pago facile.
    Access Scrigno pago facile as "Anonymous user", select the box PagoPA, enter the Bill Notification Code (Codice Avviso) and the Beneficiary Organisation Code (02133120150), and then choose the provider to complete the payment. You must complete the payment in one session: if the payment attempt gets interrupted or fails, you will have to wait 24 hours before you are allowed to try again.
    For support regarding the Scrigno Pago Facile service or loss of payment receipt, send an email to scrigno.pagofacile@popso.it, or call the toll-free number: 800.248464 (from Italy only).

Wire transfers are not accepted.

Your place in the programme is reserved only if the status of the application changes into “payment confirmed”.

If you do not proceed with the payment within the given deadline, our offer will be considered as declined and your place will be reassigned.

The amount paid corresponds to the first instalment of the tuition and university fees.  For information on the next instalments of the tuition fees, check the tab Admission and Tuition > Tuition fees and scholarships.

If you graduate with the following diplomas, you must follow a dedicated procedure to allow our office to verify your results*: 
  • IB full Diploma: see the IB Undergraduate admission policy.
  • Turkish Lise Diplomasi: provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma and of your YKS exam results, with an official translation into English or Italian.
  • Serbian Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju: provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian.
  • Bulgarian Diploma za sredno obrazovanie: provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian.
  • British A-levels: you must request that the relevant examining Board(s) send the final scores directly to our office. We advise you to submit your request before exam results day. If the results are issued by Cambridge International, you will simply need to send us a scanned copy of the Provisional Statement of Results, and we will verify its authenticity directly with Cambridge. 
  • US High School diploma: request your high school to send us an electronic copy of your final transcript of records and Diploma. Additionally, request the College Board to send final AP scores (at least three APs) directly to our office (code 7414).
  • Swiss Baccalaureate/Gymnasiale Maturität/Maturité gymnasiale/Maturità liceale: provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma, legalized by the relevant Cantonal authority. 
  • French Baccalauréat Général (FR): send a digital copy of your final Releve de Notes directly to our office. 
  • German Abitur (Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife) / Reifeprüfungszeugnis: request your high school to send your results directly to our office. 
  • Georgian Sruli Zogadi Ganatlebis Atestati (issued from 2006): provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp.

* List of diplomas based on the enrolment data of the last two academic years.



The International Admissions team will send you an email indicating the documents needed for enrolment, and if any translation or legalization of those documents is required. 

In specific cases, you may  be asked to provide one of the following documents:

  • Statement of Comparability AND the Statement of Verification (where applicable) of your high school Diploma issued by CIMEA, the Italian government-appointed organization for qualifications recognition. Read more on the documents and learn how to request them
  • Dichiarazione di Valore (DV) of your high school Diploma. This is an official document which provides a short description of your qualification, its validity in the awarding country to academic and/or professional ends, and the legal status of the awarding institution. It is issued in Italian only. You must request the DV at the Italian Consulate/Embassy of the country that awarded the qualification. For example, if you studied in an American high school in Dubai, you should refer to relevant Italian Embassy in the United States. Please note: Italian Embassies usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized* by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the issuing of the DV. Find here a list of the Italian Consular offices. 

    *Legalisation is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on a public document is genuine. It is usually required by Italian authorities before they will allow a document issued in a third country to be used for official purposes in Italy. In each country, specific Ministries are appointed to legalise documents through a stamp. 



  • Option 1: ask the issuing Institution to send your transcript of academic records directly to our office in a sealed envelope that is signed or stamped across the back flap by the appropriate official. 
  • Option 2: If the issuing Institution has a secure, standardised system for issuing electronic transcripts or secure online verification system, this can replace the transcripts sent directly to Università Cattolica by post. 
STEP 1. Submit the pre-enrolment request on UniversItaly 

Submission of the “Pre-enrolment request” is a preliminary and compulsory step towards study visa application.

  1. Register on UniversItaly;
  2. Read the step-by-step guidelines;
  3. Complete and submit your pre-enrolment.

Due to the high volume of pre-enrolment applications we receive, the International Admissions Team will digitally check and validate your request, as well as enclose a copy of your admission letter, within eight working weeks from submission. The Italian diplomatic-consular Missions (*) will receive it in due time to start your visa request.

Your admission letters were sent via email when we received the first instalment.

To allow a timely enrolment in our University and your arrival in Italy for the beginning of the first semester, you have to submit the pre-enrolment request no later than July 5, 2024. Students who confirm their place in the programme at the beginning of July need to agree a specific deadline with our office.

If we do not receive your pre-enrolment request by the given deadline, our office reserves the right to consider your enrolment to Università Cattolica as withdrawn.
STEP 2 - Study Visa application

If the previous step has been successful, you will receive a notification from UniversItaly and you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction.

You will have to satisfy the following requirements:

  • Proof of economic means of about €6.100; the bank statement must refer to your personal account or your parents’, no exceptions can be made for other relatives or sponsors. Please note that the cost of living in Italy per annum ranges from €12.000 to €14.000 (tuition fees excluded).
  • A return ticket.
  • Health insurance for medical expenses and hospital stays.
  • Passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date.
  • Proof of accommodation in Italy. Check housing opportunities:
  • The summary of your pre-enrolment, which you can download in your personal area in Universitaly.
  • If you are underage by the time you apply for visa, you will need to provide a written “Assumption of responsibility” signed by the person who will take responsibility for you during your stay in Italy, until you turn 18. Refer to the relevant Italian Embassy for specific requirements on study visa for minors.

The requirements listed above are set by Ministry regulation. You will have to follow any additional indication given by the Italian diplomatic-consular Mission. At the time of visa application, you will have to meet the requisites on the validity of your high school diploma.

While requesting the visa at the Italian Consulate /Embassy, ask for the issuing of your “Codice fiscale” (Italian tax registration No.). It is a 16-character alphanumeric code issued free of charge by the Revenue Agency to identify Italian nationals and foreign residents. You need to have your own "codice fiscale" to enrol in any Italian university, open a bank account and sign any type of contract (rental, phone line, etc.).

The deadline set by Università Cattolica for the issuing of the study visa is November 15, 2024.

STEP 3. Arrive in Italy and apply for the permit of stay

Within 8 working days of your arrival, you must submit the application for a Permit of stay (Permesso di Soggiorno) for study reasons.

The International Admissions Team will provide support for the procedure.


(*) The Italian diplomatic/consular Mission of the country issuing your passport and responsible for the area where you reside (e.g. in Turkey or the USA there are several Italian Embassies, and each of them is responsible for a specific state/region in the country). Find here a list of the Italian Consular Offices. If you temporarily live in a country that you are not a citizen of, you may submit your pre-enrolment request to the Head of Italian Consulate/Embassy of that country, who will decide the acceptance or the refusal of the request, based on an evaluation of the single circumstances and considering the public interest.

After you complete your studies, follow the instructions in point 3 above and, if required, send a scanned copy of the documents to international.qualifications@unicatt.it according to the deadline indicated by email. Our office will update your profile in Portale Iscrizione ai corsi – section “Qualification” and will validate your documents within a few weeks from submission.

Wait until the status of the application changes into “Awaiting enrolment”, then access Portale iscrizioni, set the language of the interface to 'English' (do not activate the automatic translation of the webpage). Follow the instructions in the portal to complete the enrolment procedure. 



  • Non-Eu students with a study visa can only enroll full-time. Eu residents interested in part-time enrollment must be fully aware of the relevant conditions.
  • The enrolment request form must be signed in each of the 6 required sections, both in the Italian and English versions. If the scanned file is over 5 MB, consider uploading only the Italian version. NOTE: If some information in the enrolment form is missing or is not correct: please edit the form manually. If you are under the age of 18, a parent must sign the form as well. 
  • The Consent for processing of personal data must be signed in every section, even if you select “I do not consent.


Once the status of your application becomes “Enrolled”, you will have access to iCatt and to your institutional email address.

The deadline to upload the enrolment form on Portale iscrizione ai corsi is September 12, 2024. If you cannot submit the required school documents by that date, promptly inform our office. We will establish if there are the conditions for an enrolment “sub conditione”, which, in any case, has to be completed by December 4, 2024.

If you are a non-Eu citizen applying for a study visa, you must additionally obtain the visa by the given deadline (see point 4 above). Failure to satisfy this requirement may lead to the cancellation of your enrolment.

Once the status of your application becomes “Enrolled”, you will have access to iCatt and to your institutional email address.

The Foundation Knowledge Assessment Test (VPI) is a compulsory assessment of basic knowledge for all students enrolled in the 1st year of any undergraduate programme.
 As such, its content varies based on the subject areas of the selected programme.
The date for the VPI is automatically assigned after enrolment. To check the assigned date, login in your iCatt page and select the tab “Online registrar”. You will find, in the section APPOINTMENTS, the date and operational instructions to your Knowledge Assessment Test (VPI) and Additional Training Obligation (OFA).

The date can be modified, only if strictly necessary, through the student’s personal iCatt page. The test is held online remotely, and the technical details are communicated to the student after enrolment.
In case of a negative result, or if the test is not taken, an Additional Training Obligation (OFA) is assigned to address the gaps found in a specific subject area.

Candidates who receive an offer for admission based on SAT/ACT results or high school grades will have to take the VPI test after enrolment.