Choosing Courses Taught in English
Please note: If you plan to select courses from the Faculty of Economics - Coursework in English - Bachelors degree (laurea triennale - LT), you must comply with the prerequisites listed here. Make sure to check and meet the requirements before completing your Learning Agreement /Course Request list enclosed in your online application.
Follow these steps or watch the video:
- Choose Anno Accademico 2025/2026 (Academic year 2025/2026). If you are looking for courses before July 2025, we suggest that you insert the Anno Accademico 2024/2025.
- Choose sede di Milano (Milan campus)
- Choose the Facoltà (Faculty) you are interested in (PLEASE NOTE that the list is in Italian: check the translation before starting)
At this point, if you just want a general overview of the courses from the chosen faculty, you can press Search. If you want to specify further, you can follow the guidance below.
- Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period):
Choose from Annual, 1st Semester (1st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2nd Semester (2nd and 3rd Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). - Choose Lingua Inglese (English Language)
- Click on Cerca (Search)
- You will find the list of courses taught in English. If you click on each of them, you will see the name of the professor who teaches the course
- By clicking on the name of the professor, you will find the number of credits, the schedule (Orario lezioni) and the description (Programma del corso). Note that LAUREA TRIENNALE (LT) means undergraduate level courses and LAUREA MAGISTRALE (LM) means graduate level courses.
Choosing Courses Taught in Italian
Follow these steps or watch the video:
- Choose Anno Accademico 2025/2026 (Academic year 2025/2026). If you are looking for courses before July 2025, we suggest that you insert the Anno Accademico 2024/2025
- Choose sede di Milano (Milan campus)
- Choose the Facoltà (Faculty) you are interested in
At this point, if you just want a general overview of the courses from the chosen faculty, you can press Search. If you want to specify further, you can follow the guidance below.
- Choose the Periodo di lezione (Lesson period):
Choose from Annual, 1st Semester (1st Trimester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period), and 2nd Semester (2nd and 3rd Semester courses belonging to the Faculty of Economics are included in this period). - Choose Lingua Italiano (Italian Language)
- Click on Cerca (Search)
- You will find the list of courses taught in Italian. If you click on each of them, you will see the name of the professor who teaches the course.
- By clicking on the name of the professor, you will find the number of credits, the schedule (Orario lezioni) and the description (Programma del corso). Note that LAUREA TRIENNALE (LT) means undergraduate level courses and LAUREA MAGISTRALE (LM) means graduate level courses.
No registration is required for courses belonging to the Cattolica University Academic Curriculum. Students will be advised how to make changes to their study plan during Orientation.