Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Free-mover/Direct application

If you are coming from a non-partner university, you are considered a “free-mover student” and you will have to contact us at international.inquirySA@unicatt.it for more information.


The deadline to complete the application is April 15th


After contacting us and receiving confirmation to proceed with your registration, you will be given a link to access the application portal. Below, you will find the details needed to complete your application.


  • Select English or Italian at the top right of the page.
  • Click the yellow ENTER button at the left of the page and complete the fields.
    All students must consent to the terms and conditions by checking the box, even if all points are not strictly applicable to their individual conditions.
  • Please check that your data is correct and complete the missing parts of your personal data (Nationality and residence data: please indicate your current home address).
  • Press SAVE.
Please upload the required documents below.

Required documents:

  • Passport sized photo to be used on your Cattolica Student Card. Photo must be an original head shot and not a group photo.
  • Identity document. Non-EU students must upload a scan of their Passport. EU students who upload their ID cards must send a scan of the FRONT and BACK.
  • Special needs form. Please note: the Special Needs form must be completed, even if you do not any special needs. If you require academic accommodations (e.g extra time in exams) please also provide a medical assessment.
  • Transcript of records of the courses you have already completed at your home university.*

*Unofficial transcripts are accepted if students are regularly enrolled at a  partner institution. Università Cattolica reserves the right to request an official document if students intend to take graduate level courses.

Optional documents:

  • Language proficiency for English: if English is not your first language, or not the primary language of instruction at your current home university, this document is required and you must provide evidence of B1+ or equivalent English language proficiency or above.

Not required:

  • Permit of stay
  • Fiscal Code
  • Language Proficiency for Italian
To select courses:
  • Click the yellow “UPLOAD” button
  • Type the course code and then click on SEARCH. 
  • If you don’t know the course code, you can leave all the fields empty and click SEARCH.
  • If you click on the magnifying glass at the top right of the page you can type the title of the course or at least one keyword.
  • Click on the white box at the left of the course(s) you wish to select and then click save.
  • Click ‘continue’.

PLEASE NOTE: Students may only select one course per session. If you select more than one course, check the Calendar to make sure the courses you select are not from the same session or that they do not overlap. 

Once you have added all your courses and clicked on continue, the system will show you the full list of your selected courses. 

If you are required to pay for specific selected courses/enrolment fee, a chart will display the list of courses and the amount due.

IMPORTANT: any changes to your course selection must be made before proceeding.


Make sure to read carefully the conditions of enrolment.
In order to proceed you must accept the conditions by ticking the box “I expressly agree”.
If you are required to pay for tuition or other fees, click on FLYWIRE, then follow the instructions, as is written on the application portal.

Note: the Learning disabilities box does not apply to international students. 


After you submit your application

The Cattolica International Staff will evaluate your application and will contact you via email if further information or different documentation is needed.

If the international staff asks you for further documents, you should re-enter the enrolment portal to upload them. When you log in, click on the document icon in the white box on the left.

Once your enrolment is finalised, you will receive an email inviting you to re-enter the Enrolment Portal and download your Admission Letter (also known as acceptance/invitation letter). When you enter the portal, press on PRINT to download the document.