Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Cattolica International

Health Services

Cattolica Health Centre

General, specialist (gynecology, ophthalmology, diet) and preventative medical examinations are available to students. During the center's opening hours, the Nursing Service is always on hand to administer first aid, medication, and prescribed drugs, measure blood pressure, take body temperature, provide information about local health services, and give health advice. Access is free, no appointment needed.

For specialized care: ophthalmology, gynecology, dermatology, visits are by appointment only.

The Health Centre is located in the main building of the University:

Largo Gemelli, 1 - Dominicanum Building (Stairway E), 1st Floor
Phone: 02.7234.2217
@: centro.sanitario.dsu@educatt.it

Opening hours: Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 4:45pm


You may find further information here.