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Accept or decline offer If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Team will inform you by publishing an offer in your Online Student Portal and sending a notification to the email address you indicated on the online application (check your spam box as well!). Confirm your place: pay the first installment of the tuition fees After you accept the offer, your data will be transferred into our dedicated payment system “Portale iscrizione ai corsi | Programme application”. Activate your account You will receive an email from called “Activation account” containing your new username and a link to set a password; if you already have an account to access the Portale, you will not receive this email. Serbian Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Bulgarian Diploma za sredno obrazovanie : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Please note: Italian Embassies usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized* by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the issuing of the DV. Find here a list of the Italian Consular offices . STEP 2 - Study Visa application If the previous step has been successful, you will receive a notification from UniversItaly and you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes International Relations and Global Affairs Admission and tuition Admission and tuition. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission Applications for the academic year 2025/2026 are now OPEN! The following procedure is applicable to international candidates, meaning those students who hold or who are about to obtain a non-Italian high school qualification . If you are in one of the following groups, this does not apply to you:: Students at Italian high schools (in Italy or abroad). Students at European Schools or Accredited European Schools Students at German high schools located in Italy who take both the Italian "Esame di Stato" and the German "Abitur." If you belong to any of these groups, you should follow the admission procedures for domestic students . Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Maths assessment and improvement tools
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Economics and Management Admission and Tuition Maths assessment and improvement tools Maths assessment and improvement tools. The online “Teorema” maths pre-course is available to help you prepare for the test and can be accessed via any browser. We recommend you focus mainly on the "Theorema" modules which will be tested. To use “Teorema” all you need is a valid email address to register at . Having successfully completed the two-step registration procedure (the registration request and its confirmation) you will receive a confirmation message containing the instructions for access to the “Teorema” pre-course. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Maths assessment and improvement tools Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Accept or decline offer If you are eligible for admission, the International Admissions Team will inform you by publishing an offer in your Online Student Portal and sending a notification to the email address you indicated on the online application (check your spam box as well!). Confirm your place: pay the first installment of the tuition fees After you accept the offer, your data will be transferred into our dedicated payment system “Portale iscrizione ai corsi | Programme application”. Activate your account You will receive an email from called “Activation account” containing your new username and a link to set a password; if you already have an account to access the Portale, you will not receive this email. Serbian Diploma o stečenom srednem obrazovanju : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Bulgarian Diploma za sredno obrazovanie : provide a scanned copy of your original Diploma with Apostille stamp, with an official translation into English or Italian. Please note: Italian Embassies usually require that diplomas and transcripts are legalized* by the relevant local Ministries and translated into Italian before they are submitted for the issuing of the DV. Find here a list of the Italian Consular offices . STEP 2 - Study Visa application If the previous step has been successful, you will receive a notification from UniversItaly and you can submit an application for a long-term entry visa - “D” type – issued for study reasons (“Immatricolazione Università”) at the Italian Embassy/Consulate of your jurisdiction.
Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI)
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Psychology Admission and tuition Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI). The Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) is a compulsory test for all students enroled in the 1st year of any undergraduate or integrated degree graduate programme. The date for the VPI is automatically assigned after enrolment . You will find the test date, time, and information on its content, as well as mock questions, in your iCatt page (tab “Online registrar”, box “Appointments”). You can request a change of the test date only if strictly necessary and within 8 days prior to the test, through the same box in your iCatt page. The test is held online remotely, and you will receive the technical details after enrolment on your iCatt email box; make sure you activate your iCatt page and your iCatt email box as soon as you enrol. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI)
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Business and Finance Admission and tuition Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI). The Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) is a compulsory test for all students enroled in the 1st year of any undergraduate or integrated degree graduate programme. You will find the test date, time, and information on its content, as well as mock questions, in your iCatt page (tab “Online registrar”, box “Appointments”). You can request a change of the test date only if strictly necessary and within 8 days prior to the test, through the same box in your iCatt page. The test is held online remotely, and you will receive the technical details after enrolment on your iCatt email box; make sure you activate your iCatt page and your iCatt email box as soon as you enrol. See additional Information related to the VPI test . Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Transfer applicants Apply now / Access the online application portal Contact us Download the brochure.
Foundation Knowledge Assesment Test (VPI)
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Finance Admission and tuition Foundation Knowledge Assesment Test (VPI) Foundation Knowledge Assesment Test (VPI). The Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) is a compulsory test for all students enroled in the 1st year of any undergraduate or integrated degree graduate programme. You will find the test date, time, and information on its content, as well as mock questions, in your iCatt page (tab “Online registrar”, box “Appointments”). You can request a change of the test date only if strictly necessary and within 8 days prior to the test, through the same box in your iCatt page. The test is held online remotely, and you will receive the technical details after enrolment on your iCatt email box; make sure you activate your iCatt page and your iCatt email box as soon as you enrol. See additional Information related to the VPI test . Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assesment Test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
Cattolica Admission Test for international applicants
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Cattolica Admission Test for international applicants Cattolica Admission Test for international applicants Bachelor of Economics and Management - A.Y. If the Admissions Team decides that you must take the Cattolica Admission Test, you will receive a notification by email. If you accept taking the test, within a few days, you will receive an email from to activate your account on Portale iscrizioni (remember to check your spam box and all the inboxes of your email account as well). Your registration to the test is complete only if your application status changes into “Pending admission test result”. Once you have registered to take the Cattolica Admission Test, your application cannot be re-assessed based on high school grades or SAT/ACT scores. The test lasts 60 minutes and consists of 48 questions divided into 4 subject areas: 12 Logic questions 12 Maths questions 12 Reading Comprehension and general knowledge questions 12 English questions A few days before the test, the credentials for accessing the test platform will be sent by email. Publication of results and place reservation Candidates who pass the test are ranked according to their test results, high school grades and available places.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Lauree Magistrali Lauree Magistrali. You are viewing Lauree Magistrali Requisiti richiesti Ammissioni e contributi Post-ammissione Le candidature saranno disponibili a breve per alcuni corsi, controlla la sezione “Scadenze per la candidatura online”. L'offerta formativa riportata è relativa al corrente anno accademico. INVIA LA TUA CANDIDATURA / ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Scarica la brochure CONTATTACI.
Accetta o declina l’offerta Se sarai valutato ammissibile, l'International Admissions team ti informerà pubblicando un'offerta nel tuo Online Application Portal e inviando una notifica all'indirizzo email che hai indicato nella domanda online (controlla anche la tua casella di posta indesiderata!). Diploma Supplement (DS): è un documento integrativo del titolo di studio ufficiale conseguito al termine di un corso di studi in una università o in un istituto di istruzione superiore. Dichiarazione di Valore (DV) : è un documento ufficiale, scritto in italiano, che dà informazioni su un dato titolo di studio conseguito all'estero e sul suo valore nel Paese che lo ha rilasciato (ufficialità o meno dell'istituzione erogante, requisiti di accesso al relativo corso di studi, durata del corso, ecc.). Legalizzazione : la legislazione di alcuni Paesi prevede che tutti i documenti ufficiali, inclusi quelli che attestano il possesso di titoli di studio, debbano essere legalizzati allo scopo di garantirne l'autenticità. TITOLI ECCLESIASTICI Se hai conseguito un titolo di studio presso un’Università Pontificia, dovrai: Richiedere all’Ateneo di provenienza di inviare via email direttamente al nostro ufficio ( ) copia del tuo Diploma e del certificato relativo agli esami sostenuti. Richiedi il visto per studio Superata positivamente la fase di preiscrizione, riceverai una notifica da UniversItaly e potrai richiedere alla Rappresentanza diplomatica italiana il visto di ingresso di tipo “D” per motivi di studio “Immatricolazione Università”. Se vivi temporaneamente in un paese di cui non sei cittadino, puoi presentare la tua richiesta di pre-iscrizione al Capo del Consolato/Ambasciata italiana di quel paese, che deciderà l'accettazione o il rifiuto della richiesta, basandosi su una valutazione delle circostanze singole e tenendo conto anche dell'interesse pubblico.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Lauree Magistrali Ammissioni e contributi Studenti con disabilità Studenti con disabilità. You are viewing Lauree Magistrali Requisiti richiesti Ammissioni e contributi Post-ammissione. In ottemperanza di quanto previsto dalla Legge del 28 gennaio 1999 n 17 e dalla Legge dell’ 8 ottobre 2010 n 170 l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ha istituito i Servizi per l’integrazione degli studenti con disabilità e con DSA. I Servizi per l’integrazione, attraverso il supporto tecnico amministrativo della Segreteria e la consulenza del personale pedagogico specializzato, si propongono di accompagnare gli studenti nell’esperienza universitaria sostenendone il percorso dalle prime fasi di orientamento fino al conseguimento della laurea. I candidati con disabilità e con DSA sono tenuti a prendere contatto, contestualmente alle procedure di immatricolazione, con i Servizi per l’integrazione della sede di riferimento. Per ulteriori info e approfondimenti visitare la pagina .
Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Lauree di primo livello Ammissioni e contributi Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche. Reddito prodotto in Italia La determinazione degli importi dei contributi universitari si fonda sul reddito familiare equivalente, valutato in base alla natura e all’ammontare del reddito del nucleo familiare convenzionale dello studente, al numero di membri della sua famiglia e alla relativa situazione patrimoniale. I contributi variano, a seconda del corso di laurea scelto e della fascia di reddito di appartenenza, da un minimo di circa 3.800 a un massimo di circa 10.400 all’anno .*. i contributi universitari relativi al successivo anno accademico vengono stabiliti ogni anno in primavera. Procedura di iscrizione Riconoscimento accademico Trasferimenti Scadenze per la candidatura online Studenti con disabilità Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Verifica della preparazione iniziale (VPI) Scarica la brochure Contattaci ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL.
Home Degree programmes Graduate programmes 2-year graduate degrees Lauree Magistrali Ammissioni e contributi Riconoscimento accademico Riconoscimento accademico. L’Università Cattolica non può procedere al rilascio automatico di un attestato di equipollenza di titoli accademici esteri. La valutazione di un titolo estero ai fini accademici potrà avere uno di questi esiti: Esito parzialmente positivo: un riconoscimento parziale del titolo con possibilità di iscriversi al corso di laurea scelto con abbreviazione di corso. Il candidato è tenuto, in tal caso, a sostenere gli esami a completamento del piano di studi previsto dall’offerta formativa dell’Università Cattolica nonché a discutere la tesi finale prevista per il conseguimento del titolo. Esito negativo: nel caso in cui, ad esempio, il candidato sia in possesso di qualifiche differenti in modo sostanziale o di titolo rilasciato da una istituzione non autorizzata ad operare nel paese di provenienza. Per avere maggiori informazioni su questo tipo di riconoscimento si invita a consultare con attenzione il sito del Cimea , centro nazionale d'informazione sul riconoscimento dei titoli di studio conseguiti all'estero. Procedura d'iscrizione Riconoscimento accademico Contributi universitari e agevolazioni economiche Scadenze per la candidatura online Studenti con disabilità INVIA LA TUA CANDIDATURA / ACCEDI ALL'ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Scarica la brochure CONTATTACI.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Economics and Management Admission and Tuition Application timeline Application timeline. You are viewing Overview Course details Admission and Tuition Post-admission Your application will only be evaluated if all required documents are submitted and the application fee is paid. Because of high competition and limited spots, some applications may be placed on a waiting list. If you are placed on the waiting list, you will receive final feedback no later than the end of July 2025. Opening: November 18, 2024 Deadline: February 26, 2025 Feedback : Available from mid-January 2025, up to 6 weeks after round deadline Please refer to the Entry requirements >; Mathematics requirements section to check if you must take the Cattolica Admission Test . Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Transfer applicants Maths assessment and improvement tools Tuition fees and scholarships Foundation Knowledge Assessment test (VPI) Apply now / ACCESS THE ONLINE APPLICATION PORTAL Contact us Download the brochure.
English language proficiency requirement - undergraduate degree programmes
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes English language proficiency requirement - undergraduate degree programmes English language proficiency requirement - undergraduate degree programmes Admission policy A.Y. B2-C2 Cambridge English: Business Vantage, Business Higher Cambridge English Language Assessment n.a. B2-C1 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Cambridge English Language Assessment D B2 Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language Cambridge English Language Assessment C B2 PTE Academic Pearson 46 B2 ISE: II, III, IV Trinity College London n.a. B2-C2 Oxford Test of English Advanced University of Oxford B2 B1-C1 IMPORTANT: You need to provide one of the above English Language Certificates at the time of application. Botswana Brunei Cameroon Gambia Ghana India Kenya Lesotho Liberia Malawi Namibia Nigeria Sierra Leone South Africa Swaziland Tanzania Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe 2. IB full diploma students If you are following the IB Diploma and have had all subjects taught in English , you satisfy the language requirement. If your subjects are not all taught in English, Cattolica reserves the right to request a language certificate.
Undergraduate programmes at Cattolica
Undergraduate programmes at Cattolica A brief but informative overview of our English-taught Undergraduate programmes. Detailed information about our English-taught undergraduate programmes, all gathered in one unique booklet.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Admission and tuition Application procedure Application procedure. Complete your application and pay the 200 application fee (non-refundable) The application deadline is on 24 April 2024 for EU citizens and all candidates legally residing in Italy and non-EU citizens residing outside of Italy. Click on “Save and review application” Once you have reviewed the application, select “Save &; Pay” Choose “Pay Online” as payment method and click on “Buy now” to be directed to the PayPal website, where you can pay the application fee by using a PayPal account or a credit card. After completing the payment of the application fee on the PayPal website, click on “Return to merchant website” to finalise the submission of your application. Submit your application Once the payment is registered, remember to access back into the Online Application Portal and click on “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION”. Once the procedure is complete, the following message will appear: Thank you for submitting your application! Only at this point, upon perform this final step your application on the Online Application Portal will be considered 100% complete. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Entrance exam Tuition fees and scholarships Contact us Download the brochure Access the online application portal.
You do not have to complete the application in one session; you can save the progress of a partially completed application form by clicking on “Save and continue” (at the bottom of each stage of the application). Complete your application The application deadline is on 21 February 2025 for EU citizens and all candidates legally residing in Italy and non-EU citizens residing abroad. Click on “Save and review application” Once you have reviewed the application, select “Save &; Pay” Choose “Pay Online” as payment method and click on “Buy now” to be directed to the PayPal website, where you can pay the application fee by using a PayPal account or a credit card. After completing the payment of the application fee on the PayPal website, click on “Return to merchant website” to finalise the submission of your application. Submit your application Once the payment is registered, remember to access back into the Online Application Portal and click on “SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION”. th April 2025 : for EU candidates living anywhere and non-EU citizens who are already living in Italy legally 7 th April 2025 : for non-EU candidates living abroad The competition results will be made public, and each candidate will also receive their individual score privately. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedures Entrance exam Tuition fees and scholarships Which pool of candidates do you belong to?
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Admission and tuition Tuition fees and scholarships Tuition fees and scholarships. You are viewing Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission Tuition fees The following information refers to Academic Year 2024-2025 and can be taken as a reference for Academic Year 2025-2026. Special scholarship option The Province of Bolzano offers a special scholarship for candidates who commit to satisfying certain criteria. Requirements Two language certificates, respectively attesting at least a B2 level of proficiency in Italian and German (based on the Common European Framework). You will have to commit to continuing your future professional activity within the Healthcare System of the “Alto Adige” region after achieving your Master’s Degree, for a period of time of at least 4 full years, to be fulfilled within 10 years from the time of your graduation. Legal reference For more information on the legal framework behind this scholarship, as well as further details on the requirements, timeline and procedure, please refer to the official website page of the Province of Bolzano (in Italian and German). Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Entrance exam Tuition fees and scholarships Contact us Download the brochure Access the online application portal.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Admission and tuition Admission and tuition. You are viewing Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission Applications for Academic Year 2024-2025 are now closed. The following procedure is applicable to candidates holding or who are about to obtain a non-Italian high school qualification. The procedure does not apply to students who attend: Italian high schools, either in Italy or other countries European Schools or Accredited European Schools German high schools in Italy, who take both the Italian Esame di Stato and the Abitur. Such candidates must follow admission procedures for domestic students. for EU candidates (EU citizens living anywhere and non-EU citizens living in Italy) 10 for non-EU candidates (non-EU citizens living abroad) Please note that the number of available places may change based on a decision by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), under Law no. 264, from August 2, 1999. Read how the EU pool and the non-EU pool are distinguished Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Entrance exam Tuition fees and scholarships Contact us Download the brochure Access the online application portal.
Submit the pre-enrollment request to the Italian embassy/consulate As a preliminary step to apply for a study visa, all admitted students need to submit a formal “Pre-enrolment request” to the Italian Consulate / Embassy of their jurisdiction. Given the importance of these steps for the acquisition of the legal documents that we require, please follow these instructions carefully: register on UniversItaly ; read the step-by-step guidelines and check carefully the preview of the info requested ; complete and submit your pre-enrolment . The International Admissions Office will then: upload the official Letter of Acceptance on the Universitaly portal, thus confirming your status as an admitted student; check and validate your pre-enrolment request, so that your information is sent directly to the Italian Embassy / Consulate in your territory. If your application is accepted, the Italian Embassy/Consulate will: Stamp the study visa on your passport; Return the pre-enrollment application form (duly stamped) and a certified copy of your diploma (and transcript, if applicable); Issue the “Dichiarazione di Valore” of your qualification - if any. Notes Read (1) The Italian Embassy of the country issuing your passport and responsible for the area where you reside (eg. in Turkey or the USA there are several Italian Embassies, and each of them is responsible for a specific state/region in the country). If you temporarily live in a country that you are not a citizen of, you may submit your pre-enrolment request to the Head of Italian Consulate/Embassy of that country, who will decide whether to accept it or not. (4) The Dichiarazione di Valore in loco (DV) is an official document which provides a short description of your qualification, its validity in the awarding country to academic and/or professional ends, and the legal status of the awarding institution.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Admission and tuition Entry requirements Entry requirements. You are viewing Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission. General diploma requirements Secondary School Diploma Requirements To apply for a Bachelor programme at Universita Cattolica, you need to meet the following requirements set by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR): You must finish high school and get your Secondary School Diploma by August 30, 2025. Some examples are: Selectividad/EBAU in Spain Veveossi Prosvassis in Greece Vestibular / ENEM in Brazil Gao Kao in China YKS (TYT and AYT/YDT) in Turkey High School qualifications that must satisfy additional criteria International Baccalaureate Diploma - Carefully read Università Cattolica IB admission policy. Canadian high school qualifications - Applicants must have a school average of at least 75%, and their secondary school curriculum must satisfy the requirements for access to university as prescribed by each of the 13 Provinces and Territories in terms of both credits and subject combination. Scottish qualifications - Can be accepted for enrolment if they certify the passing of at least 3 Advanced Highers or, alternatively, 2 Advanced Highers and at least 4 Highers. Entry requirements Application timeline Application procedure Entrance exam Tuition fees and scholarships Contact us Download the brochure Access the online application portal.
Home Degree programmes Undergraduate programmes Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Course details Course details. You are viewing Medicine and Surgery (Bolzano) Course details Admission and tuition Post-admission The programme offers an innovative curriculum that combines basic sciences and clinical sciences from the very start. A unique feature of the programme in Italy is the teaching of both Italian and German, enabling students to communicate easily with medical staff and patients. Integrated courses The 6-year Single Cycle degree in Medicine and Surgery programme consists of a series of integrated courses, each one focusing on a specific area of scientific skills and dealing with specific notions. Career opportunities After completing an assessed internship, passing the State Examination, and registering with the Medical Association in their local province, graduates in Medicine and Surgery are fully qualified to provide clinical care in Italy. Graduates may continue their education by entering specialty training schools or enrolling in the three-year regional programme for specific training in general medicine, for which graduates of the LM-41 class are eligible. Non-Italian graduates of the International MD Medicine and Surgery programme can attend Italian language courses to help them integrate into Italian society and improve doctor-patient communication in the national healthcare system.
Discover Milan's rich art, culture, and publishing scene, and study at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, housed in a historic Benedictine monastery. Located in the vibrant heart of the city, the largest campus of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore hosts over 20,000 students. Cremona campus In Cremona, Università Cattolica has recently moved and is now housed in the new campus in the former Monastery of Santa Monica. Piacenza campus The Piacenza campus has on-campus Agribusiness laboratories including the most recent, SensoryLab, a sensory analysis laboratory, useful for students to learn the main sensory evaluation techniques applied to different food products from coffee to wine, oil and chocolate. Highlights Piacenza is located less than 1-hour train ride away from Milan A key position in the Northern Italian food valley where approximately 53,000 agricultural businesses are based 113 billion contributions to the agri-food sector Useful links Life in Piacenza Student services in Piacenza. Study at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore's esteemed Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in this academic hub. The Rome campus of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is a premier destination for international students, offering top-quality education and exceptional facilities.
Full list of undergraduate programmes
Full list of undergraduate programmes Below is the complete list of undergraduate programs for the 2025/26 academic year, including both English-taught and Italian-taught options. All programmes will begin in September 2025.